How to Cancel or Pause Your Netflix Subscription When Needed

Looking to cancel your Netflix membership? There are a few ways you can cancel, pause, and resume your Netflix membership, depending on your account. Here’s all you need to know.

How to Cancel Your Netflix Subscription

You can cancel your Netflix subscription from the desktop or mobile app or through a web browser. After logging into your account, click on your profile picture > Account > Membership Details > Manage Membership.

Managing your Netflix membership.

Once you scroll to the bottom of this page, you will see a “Cancel Membership” button. When you click this, you will be directed to a Netflix canceling page that will confirm your cancelation.

Canceling your Netflix membership.

Click on “Cancel,” then select “Finish Cancelation” to complete the process.

Completing your Netflix account cancelation.

Canceling your membership this way will ensure an end to your account. Signing out of your account or uninstalling the Netflix app from your devices does not cancel your membership.

Canceling on Your Billing Period

When you cancel your Netflix membership with days still left in your billing period, you will be able to access your Netflix account and stream until the next billing date (the end of your billing period). Once this date is reached, your membership will automatically be canceled. Netflix’s membership charges will stop until you rejoin Netflix again.

If your primary payment method is a gift card, or you have a promotional balance, you’ll be able to continue using your Netflix until the balance of the gift card or promotion runs out.

Pausing Your Membership

Netflix offers another option when you are looking to cancel your membership. You can take a break from your account and pause your membership for a month. When you pause your Netflix membership, you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows until your next billing date.

Once you reach this date, Netflix will not charge you for the next month, and your membership will be paused, meaning you cannot stream on Netflix. Once the one-month pause is over, your membership will resume again, and you will be charged on the subsequent billing date.

When you click on “Cancel Membership” from your Netflix account settings and are directed to another page to confirm your cancelation, Netflix will also offer a “Pause for a month” option. Click this, then select “Pause for 1 Month” to confirm.

Pausing your membership on Netflix.

You can only pause your Netflix subscription if you are not on a Basic Plan. This feature is also unavailable for primary payment methods such as Direct Debit and Gift Cards.

Extending a Pause

When you pause your membership for a month, Netflix lets you extend this pause for one more month. One week before your pause ends, you are given the option to extend your break.

To do this, go to your Accounts Page and find the banner that says “Ready to Watch.” Click on “Extend Pause” to pause your membership for one more month.

Extending your membership on Netflix.

You can pause your Netflix account for a total of three months. If you try to pause or extend a pause and are unable to do so, it means that you have either used up your three months, you are on a Basic Plan, or your primary payment method is not a credit or debit card.

Resume Your Membership

Once you are done with your Netflix pause, you can resume your membership easily by navigating back to your Accounts Page and clicking on “Unpause Now” from the “Ready to Watch” banner. Once you resume your membership, you will be billed immediately, which will update your billing date as well.

Resuming your membership on Netflix.

Rejoining Netflix

Once you cancel your membership, you can still rejoin Netflix when you’re ready. To do this, sign in to your Netflix account and select “Restart Membership” from any profile that is not a Kids profile. However, depending on how long ago you canceled your membership, you might have to update some details, like your payment method.

If you cancel your membership during your billing period and still have access to it, your Netflix account details will stay the same. If your membership was canceled within the last ten months, and you cannot access Netflix, you will be asked to update and confirm your account details. You will have to start a new Netflix account if you cancel your membership more than ten months ago.

Netflix has a lot of features that you might want to give a shot before you make up your mind about canceling your account. But the good part is that you have a few options in terms of cancelation and pausing, which you can explore before you decide to leave your membership for good.

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