Step one: Move the plants to the shower, tub, or outside.
On a day when your plants need watering, take them off their trays and move them to an area you don’t mind getting wet and dirty. Spray them down with a stream of water that’s just strong enough to dislodge any stubborn dust, Hachadourian said. Check each plant for pests, and remove any dry, dead leaves. Don’t be afraid to get into the nooks and crannies, to clean where the leaves meet the stems, Scottberg said.
You can use a microfiber cloth to wipe the edges and the outside of the pot. If the outside of the pot is dirty, you can use dish soap to scrub gently.
Step two: Wipe down the area where the plant is sitting.
Leave your pots to dry. While you wait, use a fresh microfiber cloth to wipe the place where they usually sit. Pick up the tray and cork board, and wipe them down with the microfiber cloth. Clean up dust and any old pieces of foliage that may have dropped over time. Use dish soap or an all-purpose cleaner if there are stubborn or sticky spots. If you’re satisfied with your progress, you can return your plants to their resting places.