How to get Focus Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

While you could simply make your way through Hogwarts Legacy’s battles relying solely on your combat skills, you’ll perform better if you take the time to acquire and use the right stat-boosting potions. Perhaps the best of these available potions is the Focus Potion, which reduces the amount of time you have to wait before a spell can be used again. That way, you can cast your most powerful spells more often and take enemies down faster. 

But how exactly do you get these potions in Hogwarts Legacy? There are a couple of options available to you. You can either purchase them for a significant amount or brew them yourself and save some Galleons. 

Hogwarts Legacy: What does Focus Potion do?

Hogwarts Legacy: Character in battle with indicator around a spell that has a cooldown. (Image credit: Windows Central)

You know how when you’re in a battle and you use one of your spells but then you have to wait for a while before you can use that spell again? This wait time is referred to as a cooldown. 

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