How To Get Paid In Bitcoin With Strike

    • Strike users can now enable direct deposit to their account and configure any amount of the incoming money to be instantly converted into bitcoin with no fees.
    • “Pay Me In Bitcoin” allows users to seamlessly convert a portion of their income into BTC using their account and routing numbers.
    • The feature enables easy access to sound money for all those eligible for a Strike account, regardless of their employers.

    Lightning Network payments platform Strike has announced its newest feature, Pay Me In Bitcoin, which will allow users to programmatically convert a portion of or all of their income into bitcoin in the app by using their bank account and routing numbers.

    “I am unbelievably excited to announce and publicly release Pay Me in Bitcoin with Strike,” the company founder Jack Mallers wrote in an announcement post shared with Bitcoin Magazine. “Today, anyone with a Strike account, no matter their employer, can get paid in bitcoin.”

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