How To Make Chrome Your Default Browser On Android

How To Make Chrome Your Default Browser On Android 4

Tap on the “Settings” icon to enter the device’s settings menu. Scroll down the list of options until you find the “Apps” option.

How To Make Chrome Your Default Browser On Android 5

Tap on it. Within this menu, we need to locate and select “Default Apps.” Submenu. This can usually be found inside the “Manage Apps” option.

How To Make Chrome Your Default Browser On Android 6

Once inside the “Manage Apps” option, you can tap on the upper right corner of the screen with the three dots, to reveal a drop down menu that will allow you to tap “Default Apps”

How To Make Chrome Your Default Browser On Android 7

Look for the “Browser” category and tap on it. Next, you’ll see a list of browsers installed on your device. If Chrome is already installed, it should appear in this list. Tap on “Chrome” to set it as your default browser.

How To Make Chrome Your Default Browser On Android 8

A confirmation prompt may appear asking you to confirm your choice. If that is the case, tap on “OK” or “Set as default” to confirm and finalize your selection. Otherwise, you can now just go back to the main menu. (tap again inside the “Browser” menu to see if Chrome was already selected).

To test Chrome, tap on any web link within an app or open a web browser shortcut. The link should now open in Chrome by default, confirming that the change has been successful.

Other Things to Note

The Chrome browser for Android, much like any web browser on any OS, offers various features and settings for customization, security, and privacy. You can access these options within the Chrome app by navigating to the settings menu. Adjust privacy settings to control browsing data handling and enable features like Safe Browsing.

Chrome also provides security features to protect against malicious websites and manage passwords securely. Customize your browsing experience by setting preferred search engines, homepages, and browser themes. While Chrome for Android doesn’t support direct installation of extensions, you can manage them for the desktop version from your Android device.

Just a reminder once again, this is a general guide. Specific menu navigation might still be different depending on the custom Android OS of your device.

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