How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    The Apple Watch is a great device for plenty of reasons, including fitness. However, a recent watchOS software update added a feature that has been annoying some users. During a workout, Siri would interrupt the music or podcast you’re listening to and announce your latest milestones. For example, if you’re walking or running, it will notify you every time you cross a kilometer mark. This change is welcome to those who want to monitor their progress without looking at the screen. However, plenty of us — including me — are fine with just looking at their wrists for that information. I’d rather not have my music interrupted during workouts — by people and smartwatches alike. So here’s how to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    Using iPhone

    This method allows you to toggle this feature using your iPhone since it’s easier on the big screen. If your iPhone isn’t around, you can still toggle it using Apple Watch only.

    • Bring your Apple Watch close to your paired iPhone.
    • Make sure Bluetooth and WiFi are enabled on both devices.
    • Ensure that they’re running the latest versions of watchOS and iOS respectively.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    • Launch the Watch app on your iPhone.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    • In the main My Watch tab, scroll down until you spot Workout.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    • Enter that section and scroll down until you spot Voice Feedback.
    • Turn it off.
    • Voila! Siri will no longer announce the milestones during your Apple Watch workouts.

    Using Apple Watch only

    If your iPhone isn’t around, you can toggle this feature on the tiny watch screen.

    • Make sure your Apple Watch is running the latest version of watchOS.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    • Launch the Settings app on your watch.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    • Scroll down until your spot Workout and click on it.

    How to mute voice feedback during Apple Watch workouts

    • Go through the list until you find Voice Feedback.
    • Turn it off.
    • That’s it! Siri won’t interrupt your music to announce workout alerts.

    Personally, I keep Voice Feedback turned off at all times because I can’t stand having anything interrupting my music. Whenever I want to check my progress, I just glance at my watch’s screen. I can see how it’s a helpful feature for certain people, though — it’s just not for me.

    Do you have Voice Feedback for workouts enabled on your Apple Watch? Let us know in the comments section below.

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