Say hello to Script Editor.
Even the most highly-customized smart home has to play by the rules. But a new Google Home feature, called the Script Editor, could free you from pre-programmed automations and routines—you can finally program everything yourself.
We first heard about the Google Home Script Editor in October of 2022. The feature is now available in Public Preview. And, for better or worse, the name “Script Editor” is totally accurate. If you want to build advanced home automations and access some unique smart home functionality, you need to do a bit of programming.
The good news is that Script Editor uses the YAML programming language, which is very easy to read and write (it also has an autofill function). To get started with this tool, all you need is a bit of self-confidence and a quick run through Google’s tutorials. I also suggest that you play with (or customize) Google’s example scripts. (Presumably, other users will share their custom scripts as this feature exits the Public Preview period.)
Here are some of Google’s example scripts:
The Google Home Script Editor is currently in public preview. You can access it from your web browser by visiting the Google Home Automations page. Bear in mind that Script Editor isn’t a finished product, and you may run into some bugs. Also, the Script Editor will eventually make its way to the Google Home mobile app.
Source: Google