Hyperrealistic cop simulator Unrecord goes viral

Bodycam shooter Unrecord recently posted a new trailer, and it’s breaking the internet for a bunch of different reasons.

When the developer Alexandre Spindler originally shared some footage from a hyperrealistic ‘bodycam-style’ game he was working in, headlines were made and people quickly took notice of its eerie tone and extraordinarily photorealistic look. Recently, the game has been formally announced as Unrecord, and there’s a new trailer that’s been making some serious waves in the gaming space.

Perhaps most notable about Unrecord is its photorealistic look. Games like Cyberpunk 2077 look amazing, and it’s certainly impressive what’s possible with modern graphics, but Unrecord is going for a hyperrealistic look, and with the tech offered up by Unreal Engine 5, well, it’s very possible to build out a game that is, at a glance, indistinguishable from actual reality. Even if you look closely, a game like Unrecord is hard to say looks like a video game.

The above, though, combines with something else making headlines: Unrecord is a shooter where you play as a police officer and see the world through the lens of a body camera. When you juxtapose this premise with the game’s hyperrealistic look, the game has elicited many mixed feelings from some. Beyond the game’s core concept, though, there are other concerns about the game floating around.

Part of why the game looks so realistic comes down to how the camera moves, how the character moves, and how physics are handled. All of these are incredibly realistic, but many have expressed concerns about how good this will feel to actually play: many wonder if this simply looks amazing as a proof-of-concept or if it will actually be an engaging gameplay experience.

Nonetheless, Unrecord is worth paying attention to, even if for no other reason than to use it as a benchmark for your new GPU. Unfortunately, the game is still currently in pre-production by a small, indie team, and no release date or even release window has been announced. Put simply, we’d expect to wait a while before this drops and the world has a chance to actually to play it.

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