iLive Truly Wire-Free Earbuds with Active Noise Canceling (Podcast)

If you’re in the market for a pair of wireless earbuds, you’ll find there are seemingly endless options to choose from. What’s your budget? What are your needs? Do you have a particular feature in mind? There are plenty of places to jump off to find the pair for you.

Up for review here are the iLive Truly Wire-Free Earbuds with Active Noise Canceling (ANC). Priced about $80 they are an entry-level pair of earbuds. How do they fare in our testing? Check out the review and podcast below to see what we thought.

What is the iLive Truly Wire-Free Earbuds with Active Noise Canceling?

The iLive Truly Wire-Free Earbuds with ANC are a great pair of wireless earbuds for a user who doesn’t have high demands. That’s not to suggest they’re cheap or lacking, though as there are plenty of features present.

Noteworthy Features

  • Six hours battery life at 50% with ANC off
  • Sweatproof
  • Active Noise Cancellation
  • Comes with three sets of eartips
  • Works with Google Assistant and Siri


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