Innovation or abomination? Guy Fieri, Chevy create apple pie hot dog

    It’s not often a car company gets involved with food (except VW, which has been making sausages for years, and even ketchup), and depending on your viewpoint, that could be a tragedy or a triumph. In this case, Chevrolet collaborated with noted car enthusiast Guy Fieri to jam together the ingredients from a famous Chevy commercial into one thing. The result is the apple pie hot dog, shown above.

    The car connection comes in with arguably Chevy’s most famous commercial: “Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.” It ties the things people most associate with America to the car maker with a simple, catchy chorus and a slideshow of all those items. You can check it out above. It even spawned an Australian version for Holden called “Football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars,” which you can see below because you really must watch it.

    Anyway, all this comes together with Fieri’s apple pie hot dog, Chevy’s commissioning of said dog, and the fact that they will be offered at the “Field of Dreams” baseball game in Iowa this Thursday, August 12. The hot dog looks like someone wedged a sausage down the middle of a McDonald’s apple pie crust, and that’s not far from reality. In between the pie crust is the hot dog, bacon jam and, yes, apple pie filling. The mustard is even a blend (as in, literally put in a blender) of apple pie filling and yellow mustard. You can see the whole recipe in this link if you’d like to try creating it yourself, and Fieri shows it coming together in the video below. We’re still skeptical, but the more adventurous of us in the office would probably try it at least once.


    Ever wondered what dreams taste like? You’re in luck. Guy Fieri is here to show us how to make the #ApplePieHotDog.

    ♬ Apple Pie Hot Dog – Chevrolet

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