Intel Core i9-14900KF overclock brings another world record

What you need to know

  • A team of overlockers has pushed the new Intel Core i7-14900KF beyond 9GHz, which is a new world record.
  • The previous record was held by the same group last year using an Intel Core i9-13900K.
  • The team also hit a 9.1GHz clock speed but this could not be officially validated.

Intel has just launched its new 14th generation CPUs and with that comes people trying to push those CPUs to the limits in their attempt to set a new frequency world record. And attain this they have, using the Intel Core i9-14900KF to pass the 9GHz barrier. The ASUS ROG OC team is formed of overclocking experts known as Elmor, SkatterBencher, Bing and Shamino. 

This team also held the record for last year with the i9-13900K, hitting a frequency of 8.7GHz (8734MHz). With the Core i9-14900KF they were able to hit 9.1GHz but unfortunately this couldn’t be officially validated. However, this is likely to be rectified at some stage which would mean another new world record. For now, that record stands at 9043.9MHz and it took them a whole week to attain it, but I think we’ll see more records come in over the coming weeks.

What is overclocking?

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