Introducing Ask Windows Central: A new Q&A show for our readers

    Hey everyone! It’s been a while since the last episode of Ask Dan, and we know that was a show that our community really enjoyed. So, today we’re happy to announce that we’re revamping the show under a new name and format: Ask Windows Central!

    It’ll still be the same questions and answers show that made Ask Dan what it was, including Daniel Rubino himself, but we want to include other members of the Windows Central team too. So with Ask Windows Central, you can expect to see me (Zac Bowden,) Jez Corden and other members of the team answer questions that fall into our own areas of expertise. Whether that be Windows, Surface, Xbox, PC hardware, accessories, Azure, and everything in-between.

    And the good news is episode one of Ask Windows Central is already live! You can view it now on YouTube, and we’ll be doing more episodes over the coming weeks and months. We haven’t yet nailed down how often new episodes will go up, but we’ll always let you know when a new episodes goes live.

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    We’re also going to be tweaking the format as we go based on feedback from you, so bare with us as we figure things out. This week’s episode features the following questions:

    • Why would Microsoft cancel Windows 10X?
    • What Surface devices are you expecting to see this year?
    • What is Sun Valley, and when is it coming?
    • Is Microsoft interested on getting other ARM companies on board with Windows on ARM?
    • What phone do you guys use as your daily driver?

    So, do you have a question you want us to answer on the show? The best way to get your question in front of us is by emailing with your question. Or, if you’re on Twitter, you can tweet your question with the #AskWinCen tag included, and make sure you tag either @daniel_rubino or @zacbowden so we can see it. And if that doesn’t suite your fancy, you can send us your questions in the comment section on the latest episode, either on YouTube or the Windows Central website!

    We’ll pick three or four questions each week, and will cite your name if we pick your question. So, that’s everything. We hope you enjoy the first episode, and look forward to reading more of your questions soon.

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