Investment Strategist Lyn Alden Explains Why She Is Still Bullish on Bitcoin Long Term

Despite Bitcoin’s fall from an all-time price high over the last year, highly respected equity research analyst and investment strategist Lyn Alden says she is bullish on $BTC long term. 

Alden, who provides equity research and investment strategies for clients, made her comments during a recent interview with Alessio Rastani, where she argued that the bigger picture for Bitcoin is bright compared  to the last twelve months, which saw $BTC fall more than 60% from its all-time high price. 

Alden said now was the time to focus on “what’s real, what’s being built,” with a particular emphasis on problems being solved by crypto and blockchain. She noted that investors should take a global view towards Bitcoin’s progress, including in developing markets, and the myriad problems worldwide with monetary systems. 

As reported by The Daily Hodl, Alden said: 

What’s happening with inflation, what’s happening with authoritarian countries or frozen bank accounts and all sorts of things like that, and what technologies can actually be useful for them?

Alden claimed to be “long-term structurally bullish” on Bitcoin, and that the cryptoasset’s fundamentals were positive. The investment strategist honed in on Bitcoin’s development as an indication for fundamentals, saying that Lightning Network, developing market adoption, and other on-chain indicators provided a greater value signal than the noise of price volatility. 

Alden concluded by saying that there were “different ways” to analyze the crypto market and outlook for Bitcoin for investors to get a snapshot for “what’s happening under the hood.”

On July 30, during an interview with Anthony Pompliano, Alden highlighted the “significant” role that stablecoins are playing on the digital currency landscape and their potential for further uses. Alden noted that stablecoins currently serve as a unit of account for “a lot of trading platforms,” including both centralized exchanges and decentralized finance (DeFi) markets. 

As reported by The Daily Hodl, she said:

It’s basically a digital representation of dollars. It’s still dollars. I’m not talking about the algorithmic variety, but the actual fiat-collateralized variety. Those are just dollars in this kind of more efficient wrapper.

Alden also claimed that stablecoins played a role in certain countries and emerging markets by dampening the volatility of fiat currencies. She said stablecoins were useful in nations with failing currencies, such as Argentina, and giving people an option for “intermediate-term savings.” 

Alden told Pompliano that stablecoins would increasingly be useful to help meet the demand globally for U.S. dollars. She noted that stablecoins provided a technology for individuals around the world to obtain dollars, despite the banking networks and availability afforded by their government. 

She highlighted Lightning Labs’ Taro protocol, which allows the low-cost transfer of dollars using Bitcoin’s network, as a potential boon for stablecoins:

That’s why I also think that there’s cool things like Taro on Lighting that could potentially bring stablecoins over to Bitcoin and it just becomes whatever network is most efficient to transact those dollars around because those are less about pure decentralization and more about what can give people access to a cheap ability to access that foreign central hub of dollars.

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