IPC APEX EXPO Keynote Review: Shawn DuBravac

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During an excellent packed-house luncheon on the Monday of IPC APEX EXPO 2023, IPC Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac gave a keynote address titled, “What’s New in Tech: The Micro Trends Defining the Future of Electronics,” with an introduction by IPC President and CEO John W. Mitchell.

DuBravac delivered his presentation in impressive style, with touches of humour and irony balancing some serious messages on how technology is converging with myriad industries and effectively re-wiring every aspect of society.

Referring to the analogue world, DuBravac commented on the speed with which our environment has become digitised, and he predicted that the coming decade will be defined by another big transformation—from digitisation to “datafication,” where many aspects of our life will be turned into data that can be subsequently transferred into information and realised as a new form of value.

DuBravac walked through five themes that he sees impacting the broader electronics industry.

To read this entire article, which appeared in the 2023 issue of Show & Tell Magazine, click here.

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