Is BCH the Game-Changer for Sports Betting Sites, Leaving BTC in the Dust?

Bitcoin Cash, short for BCH, is a cryptocurrency that has emerged as an alternative to Bitcoin. It is an “Altcoin” initially created from a Bitcoin hard fork in 2017. Since then, it has been often used as the fastest payment option for online sportsbooks. Bitcoin Cash is built on the identical blockchain to bitcoin. Today, it has grown into one of the top 25 coins because it offers a cheaper and faster transaction process than other cryptocurrencies. 

How Does Betting With Bitcoin Cash Work?

Since using bitcoin cash is a feasible alternative at the gambling site. However, the investors should follow a few easy steps. Primarily, one needs to open a gambling account with a crypto wallet. This step is the prerequisite to starting gambling. Next, they will be required to purchase Bitcoin Cash in exchange for their native currency. The purchased BCH should now be deposited in the online casino wallet. It will enable the players to start their game and bet on it. One should have a decent fund in their wallet until they earn more by winning. 

Is Bitcoin Cash Better Than BTC For Use On Betting Sites?

Although cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is still relatively new, online casinos have recognized these technological breakthroughs’ apparent benefits to the digital gaming sector. Bitcoin Cash, like other cryptocurrencies, is utilized in sports betting and is accepted by crypto sportsbooks allowing popular cryptocurrency transactions, though to a lesser extent compared to Bitcoin. One of the most significant advantages of using a cryptocurrency like BCH for sports betting is frequently large welcome bonuses to be gained. Moreover, the transactions done using BCH are far cheaper than those of Bitcoin. The transfer speed is another major plus the BCH has over Bitcoin. BCH can also handle more transactions per second compared to Bitcoin. 

Difference Between Bitcoin Cash vs. Bitcoin

As previously stated, the block size is the primary distinction between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash has faster and less expensive transactions due to this change. The average cost of a Bitcoin transaction is $59, while Bitcoin Cash costs less than a penny. However, because everything is processed more quickly, Bitcoin Cash sports betting is potentially less secure than sports betting with Bitcoin. Because fewer miners are required to process and confirm transactions, Bitcoin Cash’s security can be exploited more quickly. As per the expert’s opinion, the BCH is better with small transactions, but if one is going to buy something big, Bitcoin should be given first preference due to its stability and security. 

Pros and Cons of using Bitcoin Cash on Betting Sites


  • Bitcoin Cash’s blocks are larger than Bitcoin’s, allowing for more transactions per second and, as a result, making it more affordable to send BCH than BTC. 
  • Bitcoin Cash might be a viable payment mechanism, with transaction costs of less than a penny and the ability to handle over 100 transactions per second. Bitcoin Cash still has a long way to go since the Visa network processes 2,000 transactions every second.
  • Bitcoin Cash is based on the system of decentralization that is neither controlled nor ruled by a single entity. Thus it offers great relief to those who worry a lot about the financial system based on a centralized theme. 
  • Bitcoin Cash is a prevalent cryptocurrency and can be purchased through most major exchanges, unlike lesser-known competitors. 
  • It is more affordable to buy BCH/USD compared to buying a single Bitcoin. The price of a BCH token is $370 per piece. 


  • Adoption is at a relatively low level. Bitcoin Cash may struggle to gain traction as an acceptable investment or medium of exchange because fewer people than Bitcoin use it. 
  • Security algorithms of BCH are deteriorating because it takes less mining power to verify new blocks; Bitcoin Cash processes transactions faster and at a lower cost than Bitcoin. As a result, it is becoming less secure than Bitcoin. 
  • Bitcoin Cash is also facing recognition problems. Following the fork incident, there was a competition to determine which coin would gain more popularity. Bitcoin has been the clear winner, making it difficult for Bitcoin Cash to stand out, especially given their identical names.
  • Another significant problem Bitcoin Cash is facing is its Impact on the environment. As it continues to use a blockchain proof of work method, miners must operate computers to solve cryptographic equations to process transactions, which consumes a lot of energy. Even though Bitcoin Cash uses less electricity than Bitcoin, it has a severe environmental impact.


Whether you should acquire Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin depends on whether you want to use it for transactions or a long-term investment. Looking at the current market situation and its last journey, we can say that the price of Bitcoin Cash has been falling continuously since it was launched. As per the experts in the crypto industry, it is safer for new investors to invest their money in safer and stable cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. 

However, it is still not a game-over situation for Bitcoin cash as it is still giving a tough fight to its opponents by being easier to use in significant sportsbooks. The bettors looking for a cheaper and faster alternative should go with Bitcoin cash. Moreover, due to its high scalability feature, it is evident that in the upcoming future, the BCH will appear on many crypto betting sites as a method of payment.

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