InvestorsObserver gives CafeSwap Token a weak short-term technical score of 11 from its analysis. The proprietary scoring system considers the token’s trading history over the past month to determine the strength of its short-term technicals. BREW has currently traded better than 11% of tokens based on these metrics. Investors focused on healthy recent trading patterns should find the short-term technical ranking system more relevant when making investment decisions.
Trading Analysis
CafeSwap Token is $0.005254 (28.07%) higher than its 30-day low price of $0.018718742 while also -$0.057856 (-70.70%) lower than its high of $0.08182880 from the past month of trading. Meanwhile, BREW’s current price of $0.023972381 is under its average price of $0.043379023 set over the past month of trading, leading to a weak short-term technical score. In summation, the recent trading history of CafeSwap Token suggest that traders are currently bearish on the token.
CafeSwap Token’s market cap of $247,292.44 is relatively low for a token. CafeSwap Token’s relatively low market value comes as it sits under $100 million while the top 100 cryptos remain above $1 billion in market cap and the top 500 sit above $100 million. Meanwhile, BREW’s average volume is low with $105,219.33 worth of the token traded over an average 24 hour period. BREW’s volume is relatively low as the most traded 100 cryptos typically have $100 million exchanged each day and smaller cryptos tend to sit under $5 million traded over 24 hours. Over the last 24 hours, BREW’s volume is below its usual with $14,868.70 exchanged.
CafeSwap Token’s subclass Decentralized Exchange: A peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace for buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies. Decentralized exchanges keep users in control of their private keys during transactions which is not the case on a centralized exchange.
CafeSwap Token’s price movement over the past month has led to a a weak short-term technical score due to recent trading giving more bearish signals for traders on the token’s short-term movement.