Is Catex Token (CATT) a Good Investment Thursday?

    Catex Token achieves an average risk analysis based on InvestorsObserver research. The proprietary system gauges how much a token can be manipulated by analyzing much money it took to shift its price over the last 24 hour period along with analysis of recent changes in volume and market cap. The gauge is between 0 and 100 with lower scores equating to higher risk while higher values represent lower risk.

    Risk/Reward Score - Medium
    InvestorsObserver is giving Catex Token a medium Risk/Reward Score. Find out what this means to you and get the rest of the rankings on Catex Token!

    Trading Analysis

    CATT’s risk gauge score translates to a moderate risk investment at the moment. Portfolio managers who heavily weigh risk assessment will find this gauge more relevant when attempting to avoid (or discover) more risky investments.

    CATT has traded 6.79% lower over the past 24 hours to its current price of $0.000470299. This shift has occurred while volume is below its average level and the token’s market capitalization has risen. The cryptocurrency now has a market capitalization of $359,561.35 while $1,622.42 worth of the token has traded over the last 24 hours. The price change in relation to the degree of volume and market cap changes gives Catex Token an average risk rating.


    CATT’s price movement over the past day of trading leads to an average risk ranking as its recent price movement relative to trading volume gives traders reason to be not overly concerned on the token’s manipulability as of now.

    Click Here to get the full Report on Catex Token (CATT).

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