Kebab Token receives a weak short-term technical score of 22 from InvestorsObserver analysis. Our proprietary scoring system considers the recent trading patterns of the token by looking at the price movement to determine if it is trending in the right direction. KEBAB holds a better recent technical analysis than 22% of tokens at its current price. Investors who are focused on short-term growth and looking for hot and trendy coins will find the Short-Term Rank especially relevant when allocating their assets.
Trading Analysis
KEBAB is currently $0.000002 (0.02%) above its 30-day low of $0.010000544 and -$0.010011 (-50.02%) below its 30-day high of $0.02001334. Additionally, KEBAB is under its average price of $0.011616631 over the past month of trading with its current price of $0.010002514. Overall, the recent trading history of Kebab Token suggest that traders are currently bearish on the token.
KEBAB has a relatively low market cap for a token with a total market value of $10,812.07. Kebab Token’s relatively low market value comes as it sits under $100 million while the top 100 cryptos remain above $1 billion in market cap and the top 500 sit above $100 million. Kebab Token’s average volume meanwhile is low with $6.69 worth of the token traded over a typical 24 hour period. KEBAB’s volume is relatively low as the most traded 100 cryptos typically have $100 million exchanged each day and smaller cryptos tend to sit under $5 million traded over 24 hours. As of the past 24 hours, KEBAB’s volume is below its average with $1.00 exchanged.
Kebab Token’s subclass Decentralized Exchange: A peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace for buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies. Decentralized exchanges keep users in control of their private keys during transactions which is not the case on a centralized exchange.
KEBAB’s recent trading over the past month give it a weak short-term technical score as its recent price movement give traders reason to be more bearish on the token in the short-term.