Is Once Human on Xbox Game Pass?

Is Once Human on Xbox Game Pass?

Once Human isn’t on Xbox Game Pass, but don’t worry — that doesn’t mean you’ll have to pay for it. That’s because it’s a free-to-play game, and thus doesn’t have a monetary barrier to entry at all. If Once Human comes to Xbox consoles or the Microsoft Store at some point, though, there’s a chance the game could get Xbox Game Pass Perks.

Not on Game Pass, but for a good reason

A player-made base in Once Human, complete with fortifications and machine gun defenses. (Image credit: NetEase)

If you enjoy survival games and multiplayer experiences, you’ll definitely want to check out Once Human. It’s one of the biggest game releases of the summer — as I write this, it’s the fourth most-wishlisted game on Valve’s PC gaming platform Steam — and is a post-apocalyptic survival shooter that strongly focuses on frequent combat encounters against surreal Lovecraftian entities, open world exploration, base building mechanics, and a variety of both PvE and PvP activities that involve other players.

Our Once Human FAQ goes over it in more detail, but just know that it’s got the potential to be one of the best PC games of 2024. Unsurprisingly, that potential has many players curious if Once Human will either release on or eventually come to the PC version of Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass, a popular buffet-style gaming service that gives subscribers access to hundreds of games for a $10 monthly cost.

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