Is the Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels DLC expansion worth it?

Is the Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels DLC expansion worth it?

Best answer: Until Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels, officially releases, it’s not clear whether it’ll deliver on all its ambitious promises. From what we’ve seen, however, it seems FH5’s first DLC expansion will be an excellent addition to the open-world racing game, with hours of new content delivered to players alongside a diverse new map, standalone campaign, and more cars.

Return of a legend

Official screenshot of Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels.

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

Forza Horizon, the long-running open-world arcade racing franchise from Playground Games and Xbox Game Studios, and Hot Wheels, the legendary toy franchise creating toy cars for decades, have teamed up in the past with Forza Horizon 3’s Hot Wheels DLC. The dynamic duo is returning once again with the first DLC expansion for Forza Horizon 5, an expansion to the Mexico-inspired map that has players race among the clouds along exciting Hot Wheels tracks and circuits.

While the idea isn’t original, Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels is certainly a departure from its predecessor, and features an all-new world with four incredibly diverse and unique biomes to explore, a new lineup of cars to collect, and a wide variety of Hot Wheels tracks that players can even use to build their own custom races with EventLab.

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