ITC Judge Says Apple Infringed On Rival’s ECG Wristband

By Greg Lamm (June 28, 2022, 5:57 PM EDT) — A U.S. International Trade Commission judge has determined that Apple has infringed two patents covering medical device maker AliveCor’s wristband device for measuring irregular heartbeats.

Apple Inc. violated Section 337 of the U.S. Tariff Act related to some Apple Watches that infringed AliveCor Inc.’s patents, ITC Administrative Law Judge Cameron Elliot said in his notice of initial determination filed Monday. Judge Elliot is scheduled to make a final determination in October.

In its complaint filed in April 2021 with the ITC, AliveCor is seeking a limited exclusion order barring Apple from importing and selling the watches that infringe AliveCor’s patents in…

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