Kebab Token (KEBAB) has been relatively average in terms of volatility when compared to other cryptocurrencies. So far Tuesday, the Decentralized Exchange has fallen 33.34% to $0.01999462535.
Moderately Volatile
InvestorsObserver gives Kebab Token a moderate volatility rank of 74, placing it in the top 26% of cryptos on the market.
The Volatility Gauge follows this means that the rank represents its recent trends and isn’t overly influenced by a sudden spike – or two – in volatility.
KEBAB’s moderate volatility reading is coupled with a low reading on the Risk/Reward Gauge, meaning that the token has moderate price swings and is well protected from price manipulation.
Kebab Token price is well positioned going forward. With support near $0.013284478380783 and resistance near $0.0233829413051442. This leaves Kebab Token with room to run before facing selling pressures.
What is a Token?
Tokens are digital assets that exist on another cryptocurrency’s blockchain.