King Or Fail – Castle Takeover: Ultimate Gameplay Guide

Have you ever wondered what role you would play if you were part of an empire that was always at war? Would you be a farmer? Would you fight for your empire? Maybe you would rather take charge of the construction of new buildings. Well, with King Or Fail – Castle Takeover, you can do all of this and more.

That’s right, this unique idle role-playing game has you fill the shoes of someone who brings a whole new meaning to the term “Jack of all trades.”

If you’ve played other idle RPGs like Gods of Myth or Lightning Princess then it’s likely that you have an idea of what King Or Fail is like. In King or Fail, you’re a king with a kingdom to protect, expand, and develop. The kicker is that you’ll be doing everything at once.

King Or Fail - Castle TakeoverKing Or Fail - Castle Takeover
Credit: SayGames Ltd

While the game starts slowly, it can quickly become overwhelming and confusing. To ensure that doesn’t happen with you, we’re here with the ultimate gameplay guide for King or Fail. Here, you can expect to learn the controls, objectives, and everything else that can potentially help you expand your kingdom.

King Or Fail – Starting Off

Starting OffStarting Off
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Starting off, as soon as you first download and run King or Fail, you’ll find that the game will instantly throw you into a small kingdom. This is the kingdom that you lead to greatness by doing, well, everything.

The only control you need to remember in King Or Fail is that you move your character by moving around the digital analog stick at the bottom of the screen.

Through this, you can essentially do everything in the game, may it be collecting resources, building buildings, or even attacking enemies when leading your troops into battle.

Upgrading Your Kingdom

Upgrading Your KingdomUpgrading Your Kingdom
Credit: SayGames Ltd

The first and most important objective in King Or Fail is you’ll be given will be to expand your kingdom. While this will initially be done by building minor buildings like houses and fruit stands, you’ll eventually move on to building taverns, storages, and even a town hall.

So, how does building work? Well, like any idle RPG made by SayGames Ltd, you simply have to look for the icon signifying the building you want to build or upgrade. When at your home base, you can move around to look for things you can upgrade or build.

Build Or UpgradeBuild Or Upgrade
Credit: SayGames Ltd

In addition to telling you what you can build or upgrade, these symbols also tell you how much currency you would need to use.

If you have enough currency to build something, simply stand on the box representing that building and the required currency will automatically be used to build it.

Leveling Up

Leveling UpLeveling Up
Credit: SayGames Ltd

By attacking enemy empires, building new buildings, expanding your empire, and generally playing the game, you acquire experience that can be used to level up.

Once your king levels up, you not only get currencies and potentially weapons, but you also unlock new buildings to build.

When you’re roaming around your empire in King Or Fail, you might spot some symbols for buildings that state a specific number. Well, this is what they’re referring to. As you level up your king you unlock new features and the ability to build and upgrade more buildings.

Daily Tasks

Daily TasksDaily Tasks
Credit: SayGames Ltd

One of the features you unlock by leveling up in the game is the daily tasks feature. As the name suggests, this feature asks you to log in daily if you want to be rewarded. While many players ignore this, we HIGHLY recommend you try to log in and collect your daily rewards as the potential rewards can be extremely useful.

Collect Your Daily AwardsCollect Your Daily Awards
Credit: SayGames Ltd

For example, you can sometimes get gems, which are the premium currency of King Or Fail. Other times you can also get powerful tools that make harvesting fruits or natural resources a breeze or new skins you can use to personalize your king.

Managing Currencies in King Or Fail

Managing CurrenciesManaging Currencies
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Did you notice how we didn’t mention what the currency was? Well, that’s because the game doesn’t only have one currency in the game.

If you look at the top-right corner of the screen you’ll see that there will be three major currencies, with other minor resources being listed below them.

Below you’ll see a list of all of the currencies and types of resources in King or Fail, how to acquire them, and what they’re used for.


Credit: SayGames Ltd

The first and perhaps most important currency for players in King Or Fail is gold. Gold is used in everything, for building new buildings, training new troops, or upgrading troops you already have.

Most Important CurrencyMost Important Currency
Credit: SayGames Ltd

There are also multiple ways to acquire this currency. The easiest way, at least when you’re starting off, will be to sell fruits at the fruit stall and march into battle to win raids. However, more opportunities will open up as your kingdom expands and new features get unlocked.


Credit: SayGames Ltd

As we said, fruits are the easiest way to make quick and easy money when starting the game off.

At first, you’ll only have access to some berry bushes that you’ll be able to harvest and sell to the fruit stall by standing next to it.

However, you’ll eventually unlock new fruits like apples and also storage facilities that you can assign citizens to so they collect fruits for you.

Unlock New FruitsUnlock New Fruits
Credit: SayGames Ltd

In addition to being able to build storage facilities in King Or Fail, it’s also possible to expand on how many fruit bushes or trees there are in your kingdom. Don’t worry about running out of fruits to collect, as they all respawn with time.

You can see how many fruits you have at all times by looking at the top left corner of the screen. If you have more than one type of fruit then all of them will be shown here.

Natural Resources

Natural ResourcesNatural Resources
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Natural resources like wood are extremely important to collect if you want to build and expand buildings.

Fortunately, the game gives you plenty of opportunities at the start to collect as much wood as you want with there being so many different trees scattered around the starting empire.

As you expand your empire’s size, you’ll also unlock new ways to acquire new resources. Similar to fruits, you can also see all types of natural resources you have with you at all times by looking at the top right of the screen.


Credit: SayGames Ltd

Gems are the premium currency of King Or Fail. It’s unlikely that too many players will be using them too much as they’re rather difficult to come by without spending actual money.

Their primary use is for buying new skins for your king, but they can be used in other ways too like making the game easier.

With that being said, there are some ways of acquiring gems without spending any money like leveling up and some daily rewards.


Similar to gems, it’s difficult to get tickets without spending any actual money. Fortunately, tickets aren’t important to the game at all and are only used to acquire special rewards without having to watch any ads.

Marching Into Battle

Marching Into BattleMarching Into Battle
Credit: SayGames Ltd

After building the training barracks, you’ll unlock the battle feature. Although many players initially assume the game would have you managing the troops only, the battle system is surprisingly more intractable than that.

Although you can go into battle by standing on the ‘attack’ icon in your empire and tapping the button that pops up, there are a couple of things you need to know before you start battling.

Attack IconAttack Icon
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Also, when you do press the button you’ll see a map with targets you can attack. You have to attack all of these enemy kingdoms in order to unlock the next ones. Some bases are red, signifying that they’re likely to be more difficult when compared to the others.

Training Troops

The first thing you have to do in King Or Fail before you actually march into battle is train your troops. Now, the game has multiple different types of troops, from basic soldiers to bow-users.

You have to unlock them by finding their icon in your kingdom and spending the required gold. Fortunately, training the troops is free and it doesn’t cost anything to replace lost troops.

Additionally, you can also upgrade your troops using gold. Upgrading troops increases the damage dealt drastically, making it significantly easier to take down enemy bases quickly and efficiently.

Finally, one special weapon you can also build is the ballista. While we’ll be going more into how you can use the ballista in a bit, we’ll say that having a ballista can be the difference between winning or losing a battle.

How Battle Works

How Battle WorksHow Battle Works
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Now that you know how you train your troops, it’s time to get into how the battle system works.

Once you march into battle, you control your character as you do in your kingdom, which is by using the analog stick.

If you get close to an enemy then your character will automatically start attacking it, with the length of attack being determined by what weapon your character has equipped.

Control Your CharacterControl Your Character
Credit: SayGames Ltd

You’ll also see a button labeled as ‘attack’. If you stand on it and tap the attack button that pops up, your army will charge and attack the opposing soldiers.

You can’t control what building or what enemies your army targets as they’ll simply attack the enemies closest to them in King Or Fail.

Attack Opposing SoldiersAttack Opposing Soldiers
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Before you tell your army to attack, however, it might be a good idea to look for the ballista at your side of the battle zone.

By interacting with it, you can select the spot you want to bomb and the entire zone will be annihilated.

However, it’s important to note that you can only use the Ballista once every ten minutes, after which it goes on cooldown and can’t be used until the cooldown ends.

Look For BallistaLook For Ballista
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Once the enemy’s troops have been annihilated, you can enter the enemy’s castle to end the battle and enjoy your rewards.

Be careful, though, as not only do the enemy troops and your troops have health bars on top of them, but so do you. Once your character’s health bar depletes in King Or Fail, you’ll lose the battle.

King Upgrades

King UpgradesKing Upgrades
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Now, the king, which is your character, initially starts off pretty weak and slow. It takes a while to harvest fruits and natural resources and the attack damage against enemy troops is terrible.

Fortunately, that can change thanks to king upgrades, a feature that unlocks sometime later in the game.

Natural Resources and Attack DamageNatural Resources and Attack Damage
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Once this feature has been unlocked, players can tap the yellow crown icon at the bottom-left corner of the screen to go to the king upgrades menu.

Here, it’s possible to level up skills like attack, health, and tool power by using gold. That’s right, do you remember when we said gold was the most important currency in King Or Fail? This is why.

Level Up SkillsLevel Up Skills
Credit: SayGames Ltd

Tool power in particular is an invaluable skill to level up as it increases the speed in which your character harvests fruits and natural resources. Of course, it’s still recommended to upgrade every skill gradually to ensure a smooth experience.


Credit: SayGames Ltd

Also found by tapping the crown icon is the equipment section. Here, players can merge items to create tools and equip their kings with equipment they find either while out in battle or from opening chests.

There are different types of equipment players can equip for different body parts, including head, hands, feet, and more.

You can also change what weapon your king uses in King Or Fail when out in battle, something that also affects how your character performs in battle. With a sword, you have to go near an enemy troop for your character to attack, but with a bow, you don’t have to be as close.


With that, you’ve completed our ultimate gameplay guide for King Or Fail – Castle Takeover. As long as you keep everything you’ve learned here in mind you should have no problem mastering the game and growing your empire to be the strongest in the land.

If you want to check out some similar idle RPGs by the developers of King or Fail, SayGames Ltd, then check out My Perfect Hotel and Dream Dale, two top-tier games that you’re sure to love.

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