Letter to the Editor: The World’s Largest Bitcoin Conference

The other day I took a break from working on my campaign to watch President Trump speak live before the largest convention of Bitcoin folks ever. Fifty Thousand people waited in long lines to fill the arena to hear Trump. Many more waited outside to hear his message.

Trump was the first President to ever speak to a crypto currency convention. His message was clear. He is not an enemy of crypto currency. He will propose modest common-sense regulations only. Regulations designed only to protect the public from frauds, while not limiting the ability of creative people to imagine and create a better world.

Frankly, I was amazed by this speech. Trump not only won the day with one and one half million crypto folks, but he made it clear that over-regulating crypto would limit the desire of our young people to bring forward new ideas in the future. Biden and Harris have both proposed not only regulating crypto but banning it completely. They do not believe in free currency. They believe in government control of all currency. That kind of close-minded over-regulation is simply bad for America.

Trump not only stood up at this convention for Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. He promised to appoint a new SEC chairman who will welcome and help build a bright new future and not conspire to prevent it. Trump emphasized that he will not allow the government to create a new digital currency controlled by government, as has been proposed by Harris and the democrat machine.

I have already pointed out to you, in other opinion columns, what Kamala Harris, Biden, and their machine party have done to our economy. Trump will close the borders to illegals. He will open our energy spigots and increase our incomes. He will lower taxes and reverse regulations that have been imposed on us. He will stop inflation. He will exercise peace through strength and prevent wars. He will improve American education and make it first in the world instead of 35th. He will remove woke from our schools in all its forms.

I urge all of my friends and neighbors to go to Fox or Newsmax and listen to at least one Trump rally. Learn the truth for yourself. Don’t take the media’s word for anything. View for yourself the thousands that attend. Listen to the message and judge for yourself.

Trump just announced he will be going back to Butler, PA to do another outdoor rally in honor of the hero fireman who was killed and the two other gentlemen almost killed when the assassin shot the President. Wow! How can anyone not be impressed with this selfless act? It took great bravery to take a bullet for democracy. Can you imagine the bravery it takes to return to the scene of that horrible event?

Please consider. Again, I promise you that I will honor the conservative values that have made America a great Country since 1776. Vote 100% Republican in November. You will be surprised and happy with the result of your vote.

Joseph (Joey) Martin
Republican candidate for State Senate District 19
Rumford Point
Email: jemhunter@yahoo.com

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