AirPods Pro 2 launched last Friday as Apple’s first new version since their original launch in 2019. Some of the biggest changes are for the accompanying charging case, with a new lanyard holster, Find My integration, and built-in speakers.
A new CT scanner look at the AirPods Pro 2 from Lumafield shows a look inside the AirPods Pro 2 charging case, and it looks like there might be more to that new lanyard holster than meets the eye.
The CT scan shows that the internal layout of the new AirPods Pro 2 charging case is roughly the same as the first generation. There are two batteries surrounding the main logic board alongside magnets to keep the lid closed and to hold each of the earbuds in place. There are also four magnets around the wireless charging coil to support MagSafe charging.
Where things get interesting, however, is when you look at the metal eyelet on the side of the charging case. Apple says this is solely there for the lanyard holster, but the CT scans suggest something more:
There’s a new metal eyelet on the side of the case. Apple says it’s for a lanyard, but it seems to serve an additional purpose: it’s 4 mm deep and 18 mm long, with a hidden tail that’s connected to a metal pad around the Lightning port. Perhaps it’s an antenna to support improved “Find My” tracking.
Whether or not this is actually true is unclear at this point. The folks at iFixit will likely have a physical teardown at some point, which could tell us more. It does make sense, however, that Apple would need to make some changes to the case to properly support Find My.
Have you picked up the new AirPods Pro 2 yet? If so, what do you think? Let us know down in the comments.
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