Mac Spaces feature – do apps appear on the wrong desktop?

    If you use the Mac Spaces feature, to create multiple desktops on a single monitor, are you seeing apps appear on the wrong desktops?

    Personally, I use three desktops on a single monitor: one for Home, one for Work, and one for temporary apps. That is, ones I want open for a while, but don’t want cluttering up either of my main desktops. I use the Magic Trackpad four-finger swipe to switch between them.

    I also have my Mac set to reopen apps after a restart.

    After I perform a restart, however, I often find that some apps are on the wrong desktop – or, more specifically, apps that are set to All Desktops only show on one. This frequently happens with Safari, and even happens with Finder windows (one advantage of a large monitor is I tend to leave my Downloads folder permanently open).

    A colleague says he sees a similar thing on his MacBook Pro when it wakes from sleep, with Chrome a common culprit.

    Also – and I’m not sure whether this is related – I will often find that Notes and Calendar are off on some phantom desktop after a restart. That is, I will open the apps and see a brief animation of them opening off the top right of my monitor, but not visible on any desktop. I have to quit and reopen them to restore them to visibility.

    Please let us know whether you experience any of these issues, and please state in the comments if it mostly or exclusively happens with specific apps.

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