Mark Zuckerberg is willing to lose tens of billions of dollars and anger Wall Street in his attempt to build the metaverse not just because he believes it to be the future of the internet, but because it’s the best way to escape the clutches of Apple.
Relations between Apple and Facebook have been frosty for years, with Tim Cook criticizing Facebook’s dependence on user tracking to target ads as far back as 2014. It took a hard turn for the worse last year, when Apple updated its operating system to prompt users to opt-out of being tracked by apps. It proved a huge blow to ad-dependant social platforms, Facebook top among them, which said it lost $10 billion because of the change.
Zuckerberg mentioned Apple several times during a Wednesday call with analysts discussing Facebook’s third quarter results, which missed expectations and sent company shares plunging 20% to a six-year low. The call was at times borderline confrontational, with analysts repeatedly asking Zuckerberg to explain his rationale in planning to increase spending on the metaverse not only this year, but throughout 2023.
“On the business side, certainly we see dynamics like what Apple has done with [Apple Tracking Transparency] and continues to do in some ways, like with the policy they announced yesterday,” Zuckerberg said, referring to Apple’s new policy requiring a 30% cut from apps that do promoted social posts. “Obviously, there are big risks and we see issues.”
Zuckerberg insisted that “fortifying” Facebook’s business against the likes of Apple is not the only reason he’s investing heavily in building the metaverse. Still, he is betting the future of his company on the metaverse, turning part of it into a hardware business with its own operating system. If it works, that will give Facebook a lot more control over its own destiny.
“You can build new and innovative things when you control more of the stack yourself,” Zuckerberg said on Wednesday.
Zuckerberg sees four platforms in Facebook’s future
Right now, the metaverse stack as Zuckerberg envisions it is based on “four major platforms” being developed. The first is Horizon Worlds, with user avatars making it more akin to a “social metaverse platform,” he said.
VR is the second platform, with a focus on a consumer product like its Quest headsets that Zuckerberg said “will probably reach a very large scale.”
The last two areas, still “mostly internal,” are augmented reality and what Zuckerberg described as “neural interfaces.” Such an interface will allow a person, say someone wearing AR glasses, to communicate with a worn device without the need of a controller, hand movements, or even speech.
“Enabling more experiences is really the primary driver and then the sort of fortification against external risks is certainly a strategic advantage over the long-term,” Zuckerberg added.
Zuckerberg seems keen to give Apple a taste of its own medicine
Beyond trying to give his company a path away from being hit by the decisions of Apple, Zuckerberg also seems keen to give Apple a taste of its own medicine. He mentioned during the call his idea that future Quest VR headsets will be able to replace the work people now do on personal computers and laptops. Apple’s Mac line of computers would be one major target, in theory.
“There are 200 million people who get new PCs every year, mostly for work, and our goal for the Quest Pro line over the next several years is to enable more and more of these people to get their work done in virtual and mixed reality, eventually even better than they could on PCs,” he said.
Apple, for its part, is said to be investing many billions of dollars as well in VR and AR projects and devices. Although “metaverse” is a term it is already making sure to avoid. Greg Joswiak, Apple’s worldwide marketing SVP, was asked Tuesday during The Wall Street Journal’s Tech Live conference to define what “the metaverse is.” He said only that the metaverse “is a word I will never use.”
Facebook’s headsets right now are far off the level of functionality needed to replace an Apple laptop. Users are still complaining of nausea and being uncomfortable after long periods of time wearing one. Facebook’s own employees run into so many issues that they don’t demo or use them at work. The avatars that are the cornerstone of the company’s main metaverse product, Horizon Worlds, still do not have legs or realistic movement.
Yet, Zuckerberg is not giving up on the project.
“I get that a lot of people might disagree with this investment but from what I can tell, this is going to be a very important thing,” Zuckerberg said. “I think people are going to look back, decades from now, and talk about the importance of the work that was done here.”
Are you a Facebook employee or someone else with insight to share? Contact Kali Hays at, on the secure-messaging app Signal at 949-280-0267, or through Twitter DM at @hayskali. Reach out using a nonwork device.