Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 gets first big patch on PC

Insomniac Games’ Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is the latest big PlayStation game to hit PC, but so far, reception is fairly mixed, with players on Steam reporting numerous crashes and bugs. While the developers at Insomniac Games and Nixxes Software have launched a couple of hotfixes, the game’s first patch is live, specifically targeting several of the problems that players are encountering.

You can take a look at the full patch notes below:

Patch notes

  • Various crash fixes based on player feedback and data from our crash reporting system.
  • Improvements to crash reporting with screenshot support.
  • Film Style Animation and Comic SFX can now be toggled via Settings > Game > Camera.*
  • User interface improvements to simplify starting a New Game+
  • Implemented autosave backups. At key points in the story the game will create a backup of the autosave slot.
  • Added mouse scrolling to the manual load/save menu.
  • Various improvements and bug fixes to the user interface.
  • Reduced noise in character hair when using DLSS Ray Reconstruction.
  • Enemies webbed to surfaces no longer have a black background when using ray-traced shadows and ray-traced ambient occlusion.
  • Fixed a bug related to ray-traced reflections that could cause pixelation artefacts along water edges.
  • Settings for Subtitle Text Size, Closed Caption Text Size, Icon and Prompt Size and Audio Listening Mode are no longer synchronized between different devices.**

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