Meeting milestones: top tips for digital transformation success

    Setting and reaching milestones is a key part of any journey, and digital transformation is no different. In a business climate that is fraught with challenges, businesses are almost unanimous in the importance of digital transformation. In fact, our Digital Divide research found that 99% of UK IT-decision makers recognize it as important, demonstrating that the future is digital.

    About the author

    Simon Michie is CTO at Pulsant.

    Digital transformation has been a prominent business buzzword for last few years and many organizations are already well underway on their transformation journey. However, as with any new trend, it can be easy to jump on the bandwagon in fear of being the last to take the plunge without thinking things through first. The problem with this approach is that without truly understanding your goals and objectives, opportunities and challenges, how can you ever truly achieve success? This is reflected in the fact that a staggering 70% of businesses fail to hit their targets and therefore won’t achieve the desired ROI.

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