Meta’s Imagine Me AI Feature Lets You Reimagine Your Selfies

Meta has rolled out a new feature called “Imagine Me”. Imagine Me lets you create AI-generated images of yourself using existing photos, and prompts. Currently in beta in the USA, you can type prompts like “Imagine me as an astronaut” or “Imagine me at the beach” and the AI will generate unique pictures for you.

It uses the Llama 405B model to edit photos, add or remove objects, and make other tweaks. Meta plans bi-weekly updates and will introduce an “Edit with AI” button next month to make photo editing even easier.

Two days ago, on July 23, Meta announced several updates to its AI capabilities. Meta AI is now available in seven new languages and more countries, including Latin America for the first time. It’s accessible in 22 countries, including Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Cameroon, with new supported languages including French, German, Hindi, Hindi-Romanized Script, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

User testing Imagine Me Meta AI featureUser testing Imagine Me Meta AI feature
Image: Meta

The AI chatbot now includes “Imagine Me,” which creates personalized and reimagined images based on any photo you share with it. Meta shared samples of the feature in action, prompting the AI to “Imagine me wearing neon clothes” and “Imagine me as a 3D sticker”. You can also edit the generated images by adding, removing, or changing things in them with an upcoming editing button. For example, you may request an image of a person in a park and change it to show them in a futuristic city if you change your mind.  The feature is currently available to beta testers only, but should make its way to more devices officially soon.

Image generated with Imagine Me feature on Meta AIImage generated with Imagine Me feature on Meta AI
Image: Meta

Plus, the AI will use the advanced Llama 405B model to help you with complex questions, particularly in math and coding. You’ll find Meta AI on WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger and Facebook, allowing you to use the new feature anytime. Besides the “Imagine me” feature, Meta AI is also being integrated into Meta Quest and Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses. On Meta Quest, it will replace current voice commands, giving you hands-free control and contextual assistance using Vision in Passthrough mode.

Zuckerberg is also using Imagine Me

Spotted on the Threads platform, Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has changed his profile photo to an AI-generated image. The person in the photo is still Mark, but with a ridiculous giant gold chain hung around his neck. There’s another one of him in street wear, and one of him as a Luigi-like video game character from Super Mario – although it looks way too inappropriate to be seen online. 

Mark Zuckerberg Imagine Me generated images on ThreadsMark Zuckerberg Imagine Me generated images on Threads
Image: Meta

Pretty gangster of you, Mark. But users don’t appreciate the posts. Many have taken to his comment section to mock him for wasting time on AI pictures instead of fixing all the things wrong with his social media platforms.

One user expresses frustration on how Zuckerberg is ignoring the more serious ethical and environmental implications of the technology. His concerns are valid, considering the risk of privacy violations, increasing circulation of deep fakes, and the massive amount of energy it takes to train AI models, among other problems.

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