Microsoft acquires esports tournament platform

    Online video game events platform,, has announced it has entered an acquisition agreement with Microsoft. The company, rooted in tools to host and support esports events, reportedly looks to join Redmond for an undisclosed sum, further bolstering its gaming presence alongside the Xbox brand. announced the deal via its official website. We’ve reached out to Microsoft for confirmation, although it did not immediately respond to requests for comment. first started operations in 2015 as a platform for esports events around Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. fighting series. Its services have since expanded to other titles in the years that followed, although its name and presence remain closely tied to its early community.

    “Since we started in 2015, our goal has been to build active esports scenes around the games people love to play,” said in a statement. “Today we’re excited to take the next step in that journey by joining Microsoft to help strengthen our existing relationships and explore new opportunities. will continue as a self-service esports platform available to tournament organizers from all game communities. If you have any questions about existing tournaments please reach out to”


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