Microsoft CEO says bosses are scared that you slack off while working from home

What you need to know

  • Remote work has grown popular following global lockdowns from the Covid-19 pandemic. 
  • There’s a debate among workers and their employees over how much working from home impacts productivity. 
  • Many studies suggest working from home increases productivity, but Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says many bosses are not convinced. 

Working from home is perhaps the greatest thing that ever happened to me. No longer do I have to eat into my earnings coughing up dough for increasingly expensive public transport, no longer do I have to reduce my leisure time with massive commutes, no LONGER do I need to wear pants during meetings. No longer do I actually get a break from emails, meetings, Slack messages, and beyond … oh, well. I digress. 

Following on from the darkest days of the Covid-19 pandemic, a major culture shift has occurred with regards to office work. Thanks to the rise of internet infrastructure and cloud-based services, increasingly it makes little sense for many roles to be performed on-site, although the debate rages on about whether or not it leads to increased, or decreased productivity. 

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