Fresh off the big Surface Duo 2 December update, Microsoft has a promotional video series kicking off. The first part of it, entitled “Microsoft Surface Duo 2 | Getting started” reiterates that the Duo 2 is a premium device and spends time showing you how to remove it from its box, where the SIM card goes, what to do if you’re migrating from an iPhone, and more.
The five-minute video promises more installments to come, so if this kickoff was up your alley, prepare yourself for additional content over on the Surface YouTube channel, wherein all good Surface video content is found.
Microsoft’s video highlights items that Surface Duo 2 aficionados are already intimately familiar with, but in case you’re considering grabbing the device, it may be worth a watch.
If you’re wondering what the Surface Duo 2 received in its year-end 2021 December patch, be sure to check out the full rundown linked up above. Duo 2 owners can expect a 258MB update that cleans up a variety of existing concerns with the product as well as adds a few bits and baubles to make the overall device experience better than ever.
In other words, it’s an exciting time for Duo 2. Duo 1 owners may not have as much buzz swirling around, but they’re not down and out either—after all, December isn’t over yet.
Check out what’s new in Surface Duo 2’s December Update (video)
It’s finally happened. Microsoft has shipped the first OS feature update for Surface Duo 2, bringing with it a couple of noteworthy new additions, changes, and bug fixes that we wanted to show off on video for you. Surface Duo 2 has been in dire need of a relatively major software update since it launched, and we now finally have that update.
Grab a case to protect your Surface Duo 2 with these options
Looking for a case to protection your shiny, new, and very expensive Surface Duo 2? We’ve got you covered with a round up of the best Surface Duo 2 cases you can find. Unfortunately, there aren’t many (yet) but we’ll keep updating this post with new products as we find them!