Microsoft suspends sales of products and services in Russia

    Microsoft LogoSource: Daniel Rubino / Windows Central

    Microsoft will suspend the sale of all of its products and services in Russia. The company’s president Brad Smith announced the move today, March 4, 2022.

    “Like the rest of the world, we are horrified, angered and saddened by the images and news coming from the war in Ukraine and condemn this unjustified, unprovoked and unlawful invasion by Russia,” said Smith.

    This is the latest move by Microsoft to aid Ukraine during the war. Smith discussed fighting cyberattacks and disinformation during the war in Ukraine earlier this week.

    Smith added that Microsoft is working with the governments of the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom to stop “many aspects” of its business in Russia. These stoppages are in compliance with governmental sanctions.

    “We believe we are most effective in aiding Ukraine when we take concrete steps in coordination with the decisions being made by these governments and we will take additional steps as this situation continues to evolve,” said Smith.

    This is a breaking news story and will be updated with more details.

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