My time with Nanoleaf shows it’s still one of the best ways to light up your home

A little while ago, Nanoleaf offered to set me up with some of its products for testing. The offer came while I was (and still kind of am) swamped in a mountain of products for review, so it has taken me longer than I wanted to finally get around to putting my thoughts on paper. If you’ve read any of my reviews, though, you’ve seen Nanoleaf in action. A few lights have made my office more personalized, my TV more interesting to look at, and my photography lighting more effective.

Nanoleaf isn’t perfect, but the experience has been just consistent and pleasant enough that I can recommend these products to anyone looking to give their home a literal glow-up, as long as you’re willing to pay the rather high price. If that’s not enough information for you to make a decision, though, read on.

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