If you’ve been waiting to register a new .com domain name, now’s the time to take action. Namecheap is celebrating its 22nd birthday by offering up to 44% off the most popular domain registrations.
Registering a new .com domain only costs $7.88 throughout the sale, down from the regular $13.98 per year. You can also get 22% off other popular domains like .net, .co, .org, .info, .ca, xyz, and .us.
And it’s not just new registrations. If you have a .com that you’ve been meaning to transfer from another hosting service, Namecheap is also offering 44% off transfers. Just apply the promo code BDAYTRANSFER22 when you check out. You can use the discount for up to 100 domain transfers.
However, this deal does not apply to every domain out there; premium domains, which are usually short in length and contain real words, are still full price.
If you already have the domain you want at Namecheap, there’s something for you too. On the final two days of the sale (October 11th and 12th), Namecheap will knock 15% off all renewals. It’s an excellent opportunity to add years to your domain registrations for a significant discount.