New Community DeFi Token Allows Community to Vote on

    Commissioner Doge Intro

    What we do at Commissioner Doge

    San Francisco, California, United States, Aug. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Commissioner Doge was created to empower the community with a voting-based system on how marketing and campaigning are carried out through each specific region, while also giving users a fair voice in the project by allowing the entire community to vote on key roadmap decisions. We have decided to give the decision of the Reflection Rewards and LP Tax to the community.

    Our team was inspired to create Commissioner Doge token due to the fact that most smart contracts pay a fee for auditors which provides biased reviews that are extremely vague and difficult for the average user to understand. While most users look to see if a token has had its smart contract audited there is a common misconception of what outlines a quality smart contract for the average user

    With the ever-increasing demand of users wanting to ensure a project’s smart contract has been audited we have decided to create an audit service in which smart contract owners cannot pay us directly for their audit there for creating a non-biased review.

    Issues we saw were average users were unable to interpret the complex languages used by most popular audit providers. We now propose a grading system that will break the barrier of complex audits so the average user can understand the facts within the smart contract.

    Continent Community Commissioners

    Continent Commission will be elected by the community on a voting system based by users in their respective locations, continent community commission terms do no expire but the community may choose to vote on a new commission for their continent, although the same continent commissioner may be re-elected by the community.

    Continent Commissioners are a group of ambassadors who work directly with Commissioner Doge’s Elected Commission the team is currently made of Commissioner IvanCommissioner Doogy, and Commissioner Sophia. Continent Commissioner are responsible for the voting of marketing campaigns within their community’s respective continent. “ie: if the community votes to purchase a billboard in Europe it will then be the duty of the continent commission to organize the graphic, verbiage, and relationship of the billboard agency.”

    Commissioner Doge’s Elected Commission will oversee all payments for the marketing of each community to ensure the voted decision is followed through.

    Emergency Vote: The community can vote to impeach the current continent commissioner if they choose.

    1. Involuntary audits – holders of commissioner doge will be able to request audits of a smart contract regardless of the project administrators would like us to.
    2. Voluntary audit – Smart Contract project owners may submit their smart contract for audit review which must be paid using Commissioner doge tokens and the fee of commissioner doge tokens will be burned.
    3. Audit section C – Audits will be graded based on deception tactics of the average user, we will seek to identify manipulative code that may gain an edge in deployment and market listing.

    Join Commissioner Doge’s Community Discussion Board today.


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