NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang says every business will have an AI assistant in the future

AI and The Next Computing Platforms With Jensen Huang and Mark Zuckerberg – YouTube
AI and The Next Computing Platforms With Jensen Huang and Mark Zuckerberg - YouTube

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What you need to know

  • NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang and Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg recently spoke about the future and painted a picture of every business having an AI assistant.
  • Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of AI Studio, which allows users to create, share, and discover AI characters that can be used as personal assistants to accomplish specific tasks.
  • Both tech leaders discussed the importance of open-source AI models and how they allow more people to access AI’s benefits. 

Generative AI has evolved over the past few years. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang says the technology has advanced beyond mere chatbots like Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT and predicts the next wave of AI with self-driving cars and humanoid robots at the frontline that can handle complex tasks better than humans.

And now, Huang and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg touched base at SIGGRAPH 2024 to discuss a future featuring AI assistance and open-source models. Right off the bat, Meta’s Zuckerberg used the opportunity to announce the launch of AI Studio, which allows millions of users to create, share, and discover AI characters. Creators can use these AI characters as personal assistants for various tasks, including keeping constant touch with their community as they focus on their craft. 

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