OLED MacBook Pros reportedly not arriving until 2026

According to analyst Ross Young, it seems that the world won’t be getting OLED 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pros until 2026.

Display analyst Ross Young recently tweeted out a Reuters article on Samsung investing $3.1 bln into OLED production in South Korea, noting that, “This fab is for 14” and 16” OLED MacBook Pro’s from 2026.” Young has previously commented that Apple’s current focus is bringing OLED displays to its iPad line and not MacBook Pro.

However, also according to Young, there may be another OLED MacBook that launches before a Pro does: the MacBook Air. Reportedly, Apple is working on an OLED MacBook Air with an expected release date sometime in 2024, while Young also expects an OLED iPad Pro to launch during the first half of 2024.

As of now, Apple relies on OLED displays for iPhone and Apple Watch, though rumors have been fairly consistent for a while now that other Apple products are expected to also get that same OLED treatment. Considering Young’s track record as a reliable leaker and analyst, his expectation that we’ll be seeing new OLED products from Apple soon makes a lot of sense. Though, of course, this is all speculation right now.

A lot is happening behind the scenes, reportedly, when it comes to displays in Apple products. Recently, news broke that Apple is reportedly planning to upgrade its entire iPhone line to LPTO OLED displays that allow for 120Hz refresh rates currently only found in iPhone Pro and Pro Max. Though, the report says that we’ll still have to wait a few years before that kind of OLED kit makes its way into the standard iPhone.

Once again, though, this is all just rumor and speculation right now. Apple doesn’t really announce what’s coming in future products, so we’ll all have to wait.

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