OpenAI’s GPT-4 helped Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella live a childhood dream

  • Microsoft talks about its plans for AI and making it more accessible to everyone. 
  • Microsoft’s CEO recounts a eureka moment where he unlocked a childhood dream and read Persian poetry using the GPT-3 model.
  • Satya Nadella has highlighted that Sydney’s technology is improving and that there are innovative solutions to help correct instances where it might hallucinate.

Earlier this week, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella touched base with Wired’s Steven Levy, where he shed more light on the company’s heavy investment in generative AI and recent deployment across most of its consumer and enterprise products.

Levy started the interview by posing a question to the CEO to understand Microsoft’s decision to venture into generative AI and what prompted the move. Nadella indicated that it was only when the company was transitioning from GPT 2.5 to 3 that they started noticing impressive feats and realized that they could do and achieve more with this technology. 

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