Overwatch 2 known bugs, launch issues, and how to fix them

After several years in development, Overwatch 2 has finally arrived and is available now across all major gaming platforms, including Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Switch. As Blizzard Entertainment brings its servers online, players from all over the world are getting their first taste of Overwatch 2’s new 5v5 format and are taking advantage of its new free-to-play model.

Unfortunately, players have also reported several bugs and launch issues following Overwatch 2’s rollout. Blizzard is working hard to solve these problems, but we’ve also documented them here so that you know what to look for and can take advantage of potential fixes and workarounds if there are any. Here’s a full list of every known Overwatch 2 bug and launch issue we’ve seen so far.

Top Overwatch 2 launch issues

(Image credit: Windows Central / Brendan Lowry)

Following Overwatch 2’s launch, players have begun to experience a variety of problems related to server stability, connections, and owned cosmetics. A full list of these issues can be found below.

  • Some players who merged their PC and console accounts are seeing an “Unexpected Server Error” message.
  • Some cosmetics, items, and currency that players own are not showing up in their Collections tab.
  • Some players are experiencing server disconnects mid-game.

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