Paper Trail Complete Home and Cave Walkthrough

Paper Trail Tutorial

The introductory part of Paper Trail will give you a quick glimpse of the gameplay. Here, you will learn the basics of Paper Trail by folding corners to find new pathways to reach your destination and revealing secrets.

Home to Jimmy

Jimmy was out fishing for eels, and there was a storm brewing. Head West to check on him. Once you move to the west frame, you will discover the bridge has collapsed, grinding Jimmy, the fisherman, stranded.

  1. Fold the top of the paper down in a straight line, just right below the bridge. This will fix the bridge and grant you access to the other side. Cross the bridge.
  2. Fold the bottom of the paper up to reveal the fisherman again for a dialogue.

Check Aunt Maude

After helping Jimmy, he will ask you to check on your Aunt Maude. Head back to the house, continue walking far East, and enter the next frame. You discovered a storm had caused a landslide, trapping your Aunt.

  1. Fold the right side to the line in the middle to reveal a pathway.
  2. Cross the pathway to reach your Aunt Maude.
  3. Fold the paper back to its original state for a dialogue.

Go to Lighthouse

With the puzzle solved, your Aunt Maude will ask you to find a way to the old Lighthouse down south to check on Winslow, the Keeper. After the dialogue, go east to cross the broken bridge.

  1. Fold the top to the middle, aligning with the white line.
  2. Cross the Bridge and stand on the mark.
  3. Fold the paper back to its original state.
  4. Fold the right side to the middle, then continue going south.

Lighthouse Puzzle

Once you reach the Lighthouse, the Keeper will offer you a deal. Help him fix the light, and he will tell you about the cave.

  1. Stand on the corner of the bridge so you can fold the paper.
  2. Fold the top right corner down to match the line on the bottom left.
  3. Cross the Bridge and stand on the far South before folding the paper back to its original state.

Collect Cat Origami

Before leaving to head home, stand on the corner of the bridge again from earlier, then fold right to left. This will give you access to the Cat Origami.

At Home Cutscene

Once you return home, a cutscene will automatically start, and in the middle of the dialogue, you can fold the paper.

  1. Pull the left and right sides to the center to continue the story, then fold them back to their original state.
  2. Similar to the first one, fold the left and right sides to the center, then fold them back to their original state after the dialogue.
  3. Fold the top of the paper down. To close the luggage and then fold it back to its original state.

The Cave Walkthrough

After sharing your story and plans, you hear your father snoring. That’s your cue to leave the house and venture into the Cave. You will find our complete walkthrough and puzzles for Paper Trail – The Cave.

Collect Star Origami

Before proceeding to the Cave in Paper Trail, collect the Origami Star found near your Aunt Maude’s house.

  1. Go east until you reach Aunt Maude’s place.
  2. Fold the right side just enough to open the pathway. Cross the path.
  3. Unfold the right side, then Fold the top just enough to show a pathway.
  4. Stand at the top, then fold the bottom up to meet the top. This will reveal a narrow pathway with an origami piece at the end.

Enter the Cave

After collecting the Star Origami in Paper Trail, undo the steps to return home and start your journey to the Cave.

  1. From the House, head north to enter the next page.
  2. At the entrance of the Cave, you will be greeted by a Stag. You won’t be able to move until you tap the hint button.
  3. Stand at the center of the platform. Fold the bottom side, top left corner, and top right corner towards the center, making sure it’s aligned to form a circle.
  4. A hidden door will open. Enter the Cave.

Cave Puzzle # 1

Once inside, you will meet an NPC. Talk to him, and he will share a brief story about the cave and strange tiles.

Note: In this Paper Trail puzzle, you must match the tiles with another of the same number to activate them, and you will be allowed to walk over them. If matched successfully, the tiles will glow.

    1. Fold the top left corner down and align the two dotted tiles with another tile with two dots.
    2. Head north to proceed to the second page of the Cave.

    Cave Puzzle # 2

    On the second page of the cave in Paper Trail, the concept of the puzzle is similar to the first one. Fold the paper and align the tiles with similar numbers.

    1. Fold the top side down to the middle and align the tiles to their matching pieces. Cross the new path and stand on the mark indicated in the photo. Unfold the paper after.
    2. Fold the left side right to the middle and align the tiles to their matching pieces. Cross the new path and stand on the mark before unfolding the paper.
    3. Fold the bottom side up to the middle and align the tiles. After crossing, unfold the paper.
    4. Fold the bottom right up to the top left corner and align the tiles. Move to the next page to progress.

    Cave Puzzle # 3

    The third part of the Paper Trail cave has fewer steps than the previous one, but if you check under it, there’s a hidden origami. We might as well collect it before we proceed to the following map.

    1. Fold the Top Right corner down the Middle. Ensure to align the pathway.
    2. Fold the Bottom Left corner up the Middle. Align the four dotted tiles to complete the path, then walk across and stand on the mark.

    Collect Moth Origami

    As mentioned, before you proceed to the following map (Cave Page 4) in Paper Trail, you should collect the Moth Origami.

    1. Unfold the Top Right corner of the paper after committing the last steps in Cave Puzzle #3.
    2. Fold the Bottom Right corner to the Middle and align the four-dotted tiles to their match. Then, cross the new pathway and stand next to the Statue before Unfolding the Paper to its original state.
    3. Fold the Left Side to the Middle to connect your path to the Origami.
    4. Collect the Moth Origami. Then, redo the steps to find your way back West.

    Cave Puzzle # 4

    There’s also an origami in this map in Paper Trail. As usual, collect it before you proceed to the next page.

    1. Go West and enter the next Page to proceed.
    2. Push the Boulder all the way Up.
    3. Fold the Bottom Up to reveal the platform.
    4. Drag the Boulder Down to the platform to open the path. Before going forward, let’s collect the Origami.

    Collect Deer Origami

    1. While on top, Drag the Boulder Up. Then, Unfold the paper to its original state.
    2. Fold the Bottom Right to the Top Left. Aligning a path that connects to the Deer Origami.
    3. Collect the Deer Origami.

    Note: In this area in Paper Trail, if your character keeps moving below the Boulder when you’re supposed to drag it while you’re at the top, position your character directly at the top of the Boulder and drag it one tile at a time.

    Cave Puzzle # 5

    There’s no origami on this page, so proceed directly to the following map once you have completed this.

    1. Head North to Enter the Next Page.
    2. Fold the Top Right corner down the Middle and align the four-dotted tiles together.
    3. Stand next to the boulder and then push it towards the left.
    4. Stand on the boulder’s previous spot and then Unfold the Paper to its original state.
    5. Stand next to the second boulder and then Fold the Left Side to the Middle.
    6. Fold the Bottom Right to the Middle to create a pathway.
    7. Cross the new path and then Drag the Boulder down.

    Cave Puzzle #6

    Note: This area in Paper Trail introduces a new mechanic. Your pathway leading to the next section is blocked. You need to add weight to the pressure plate using the boulder to remove this.

    1. Head North to Proceed to the next page and puzzles.
    2. Stand on the tile below the pressure plate. Fold the Bottom paper up just one tile before the pressure plate.
    3. Walk down on the new pathway, then Fold the Top Left corner down to the Bottom Right. This creates a pathway around the boulder.
    4. Position Paige above the boulder, then Push the Boulder down.
    5. Position Paige on the left of the boulder, then Pull the Boulder across to the left.
    6. Unfold the Paper back to its original state.
    7. Position Paige above the boulder again, then Pull the Boulder up, aligning it with the pressure plate.
    8. Position Paige on the left of the boulder, then Pull the Boulder left, landing it right on the pressure plate.

    Cave Puzzle #7

    On the 7th map of the Cave area in Paper Trail, you will encounter the stranger you met before. He will explain that he fell off and got lost. Like the puzzle at the entrance, you must align the carvings on the wall to create a circle.

    1. Fold the Top Left corner down to the Middle. Ensure that the carvings are aligned. It should glow once you’re successful.
    2. Fold the Top Right corner down to the Middle. Align the carving until it glows.
    3. Fold the Bottom Left corner up to the Middle.
    4. Fold the Bottom Right corner up to the Middle.
    5. With the circle complete, it should all glow, and a new pathway will be revealed. Walk across the bridge.
    6. Unfold the Bottom Left corner to its original state.

    Cave Puzzle #8

    There’s no hidden origami on this map in Paper Trail. You may proceed to the following map after completing the puzzle.

    1. Fold the Left Side of the Paper to the Middle and align the two-dotted tiles together until they glow.
    2. Push the Boulder across the tiles and then all the way to the left.
    3. Fold the Right Side of the Paper to the Middle and align the three-dotted tiles together.
    4. Push the Boulder Up and then Pull Right, crossing the tiles.
    5. Unfold the Left Side of the Paper to its original state.
    6. Pull down and then Push the Boulder towards the Pressure Plate to clear up the path ahead.

    Cave Puzzle #9

    This part of the Cave in Paper Trail serves as an introduction to a new mechanic. To progress, you must unlock the door using a key.

    1. Fold the Bottom Left corner to the Middle and align the one-dotted tile.
    2. Cross the new pathway and Collect the Key.
    3. Return to the entrance then Unfold the Paper to its original state.
    4. Fold the Top Right corner to the Middle and align the one-dotted tile. Approach the door to unlock it.

    Cave Puzzle #10

    For this map, it has two segments. The first one is where you find the locked door, and the second is where you find the key. Follow through this guide to solve it.

    1. Fold the Bottom Right up to the Middle and align the one-dotted tiles. Cross the path after.
    2. Unfold the Bottom Right to its original state, then Fold the Bottom Left to the Middle.
    3. Head to West to cross the other section.
    4. Fold the Left Side to the Middle.
    5. Fold the Right Side to the Middle
    6. Walk down the pathway to Collect the Key.

    Collect Bat Origami

    Before proceeding to the following map in Paper Trail, it’s best to collect the origami first, which is easy.

    1. Unfold the Paper in its original form while still standing on the spot where you collected the Key.
    2. Fold the Top Side of the Paper to the Bottom and connect the tiles.

    With the Bat Origami collected, redo the process to open the pathway again and return to the locked door.

    1. Fold the Bottom Right up to the Middle, as indicated in the photo.
    2. Fold the Top Left down to the Middle and align the one-dotted tiles.
    3. Walk across the new pathway, then head North to unlock the door and enter the next map.

    Cave Puzzle #11

    There’s another origami in this area that can be quickly grabbed after collecting the key.

    1. Fold the Top Right corner down to the Middle and align the one-dotted tile.
    2. Cross the new pathway and Collect the Key.

    Collect Mouse Origami

    1. Fold the Left Side to the Middle, and this will reveal the Origami
    2. Fold the Bottom Right to the Middle and connect the four-dotted tiles.
    3. Collect the Mouse Origami and make your way back to the Lock Door.

    To find the Exit, after you have collected the Mouse Origami in Paper Trail, return to the previous page and proceed to the locked door using the key.

    1. While inside the locked door, Fold the Top Right corner down to the Bottom Left.
    2. Return to the previous room, and then Unfold the Paper to its original state. Head north to proceed to the next page.

    Cave Puzzle # 12

    Once you enter the next section up north, a small cutscene will commence. Keep in mind there’s a hidden and final Origami on this page. Let’s collect it before leaving the area.

    1. A cutscene will automatically start. Once it’s over, stay in the same spot you’re standing in, then start folding.
    2. Fold the Top Right corner down to the Bottom Left. Align the one-dotted tile to create a pathway.
    3. Cross the new pathway, then Unfold the Paper. Fold the Lower Bottom Right Up to the Center and align the second pathway.
    4. With the key accessible, cross the new path, then grab the key.
    5. Return to the previous section, then Fold the Bottom Left up to the Right and align the pathway.
    6. Cross the pathway, then stand left of the Boulder. Push the Boulder to Right, then Push the Boulder all the way down.
    7. Stand on the right of the Boulder, and then Pull the Boulder over the Pressure Plate.
    8. Go up, Unfold the Paper to its original state, and then Fold the Bottom Up to reveal a new pathway.
    9. Unlock the Door and enter the new section.
    10. Stand on the left of the Boulder, and then Pull the Boulder to the left.
    11. Fold the Right Corners of the Paper to the Middle.
    12. From the section you’re standing in, Unfold the Paper to its original state.
    13. Push the Boulder Right, and then stand above the Boulder to Push it all the way Down.
    14. Stand on the left side of the Boulder, then pull the Boulder towards the Pressure Plate. This will open the door.
    15. Return to the top, next to the blockage, and then Fold the Bottom Up to show the pathway again.

    Collect Rat Origami

    1. To collect the Rat Origami in Paper Trail, Unfold the Paper to its original state.
    2. Fold the Top Left corner down to the bottom right. There will be a narrow pathway for you to stand on.
    3. Fold the Right Side to the Left. This will reveal the hidden origami.
    4. Fold the Left Side’s bottom up and align the one-dotted tile to create a pathway.
    5. Collect the Rat Origami.
    Paper Trail - Cave 12 FinalPaper Trail - Cave 12 Final
    Photo: Netflix, Inc.

    After collecting the Rat Origami, redo the fold and go north. A cutscene will automatically commence once you approach the NPC, marking the end of the Cave chapter.

    Collecting all the Origami in The Cave chapter will unlock the “Rock, Paper, Scissors” achievement and the “Journey to the Centerfold” achievement for completing the chapter.

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    All Paper Trail Walkthrough

    Paper Trail is a captivating puzzle game with various chapters to complete. For more Paper Trail walkthroughs, check out our chapter list:

    Paper Trail Pattern ImagePaper Trail Pattern Image
    The Home & Cave The Swamp The Forest
    The Autumn The Temple The Ocean
    The City

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