Poker Strategy Explained


Poker is one of the most popular games you can find at the casino, and it’s no wonder why. Not only is it relatively simple to play, but it is also exciting, with all the different strategies that come into play. However, many poker players struggle to try to earn consistent winnings. If you are one of these players and are looking for a strategy change to help you kickstart your poker winnings, then continue reading!  

This article will provide you with a detailed explanation of nine important tips that you should be aware of before playing a game of poker. What’s more, my friend at beat the fish rated this promotion highly so use it to increase your winnings even further! Let’s not waste any more time and get right into it.

Nine Essential tips

Think about ranges and frequencies, not specific hands

If you watch the professionals play poker games, be it on the television, or in a casino, you may hear them leave comments such as that their opponents only have a single hand, and it ends up being true. That being said, there are various differences when comparing your typical poker player with an actual elite poker player. While the normal poker player only focuses on putting their opponent on one exact hand, an experienced poker player would instead focus on the ranges of a hand.

The range of a player may include anything and everything, but the most important aspect is to reduce as many hand combinations while you are in hand based on the other players’ actions. Once you are able to understand and get better sensing of your opponents and the ranges and frequencies that they have taken, it is likely you will be able to make better decisions when competing against them.

It’s better to play fewer hands aggressively and in position

While most players that just started picking up poker may assume that winning the most number of pots is the best way to go, in actuality, it’s not always the case. It makes sense in theory, as one would assume that the more pots that you win would allow you to make more money. However, you will come to realize that most of the biggest winners do not actually win that many pots. Instead, they play to their advantage and try to win just a few but large pots.

Be aware of the two reasons you should bet. (No, they’re neither bluffing nor value betting)

Many people think of bluffing and value betting when it comes to the two main reasons for betting during a poker game. However, you may be wrong to assume this especially when it comes to game theory. Due to the evolution of poker strategies which are largely influenced by changes in computer simulations, there has been a discovery of the two real reasons why betting occurs. Firstly, it can be attributed to being able to build a bigger pot if they win, and secondly, to prevent their opponents from realizing their equity.

Although this could sound very similar to value betting and bluffing, if you examine the two actual reasons a bit more closely, you’d realize that both the conditions can actually be satisfied at the same time. For example, let’s use 3betting with both hands. Not only are you building a bigger pot if you 3bet, but coupled with the fact that Aces increase the chances of winning, 98s reduce these changes. Also, you are inadvertently preventing the other player from realizing their own equity. If they call and have to play the rest of the hand while not being in position, they might decide to fold on your 3bet. In that scenario, they would then not realize their own equity, while at the same time, losing to you and the Aces and 98s that you have. Both of these would happen at the same time!

Fast-play your monsters & semi-bluff with your draws

A common leak that occurs among poker pros would be playing either too passively or slowplaying with your draws and monsters. This is largely due to the fact that your opponents would most likely fold to their aggression once your hand is strong. However, this can lead to disappointment especially if your opponent folds to a bet, you flop a great hand, or even worse if you lose out on possibly being able to win a huge pot.

Defend your Big Blind frequently

If you are caught in a situation where you have dealt a hand in Big Blind, you can use these three points which can serve as a guide for you. Firstly, take into account the position of the raise and the other callers. Next, raise your sizing. Lastly, ensure your stack sizes are effective.

Fold when you’re likely to be beaten

Although it’s not the most ideal situation to fold when you’ve been beaten, it is the most profitable decision you can make in the long run.

Play in a good state of mind

The most important part of playing poker is to have fun and enjoy the time you spend socializing with others. This should take priority over trying to win as much money as possible.

Table select and only play in good games

Be wise when it comes to choosing your table. If you are always playing against opponents that are much stronger than you are, you will always be at a disadvantage.

Realize tilting will only hurt you

It’s important to know when the tilt arrives, and be aware of the changes that could result from it. Then you can choose how you want to react.


With that, we’ve come to the end of this article. We hope this article has provided you with the useful tips you need for your next poker game. Try incorporating these tips into your poker strategy and we’re sure that you’ll find yourself coming home with more and more wins. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to hit the poker tables and put these tips to practice!

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