Product Review of iBiome-Wetland – The Tech Edvocate

educators, including: mapped game levels for measuring progress, access to lesson plans, activities, videos, and more.

The fast-paced tasks in iBiome-Wetland don’t offer a lot of background information, so it’s best to use the game as a reinforcement tool rather than for instruction. During a unit about ecosystems, have kids work in pairs or small groups to complete the tasks in the freshwater marsh. If some groups finish before others, they can spend some time experimenting with their biodome. Once everyone has completed all of the tasks, hold a class discussion about the learning experience. What producers and consumers did they learn about? What were some of the predator/prey relationships? Kids can draw their own food webs using the journal for guidance. Repeat the process for all of the wetlands, and then compare them using a graphic organizer such as a Venn diagram.

iBiome-Wetland is an engaging way for kids to learn about a variety of wetland ecosystems. They’ll feel empowered to explore at their own pace and to experiment by adding any number of unlocked species to their biodomes. By drawing connections between different species and creating a web, kids learn about producers and consumers, and predator/prey relationships. But they’ll need to work fast because the tasks are timed and kids “lose” if they don’t draw the webs quickly enough. It would be nice to be able to turn the timer off for kids who need to spend more time on the tasks. Also, a glossary of scientific terms would be a great addition to the game’s journal feature. Finally, an assessment for each type of wetland would be a welcome addition.


Overall User Consensus About the App

Student Engagement

Kids can explore three different wetland habitats at their own pace while earning fun badges.

Curriculum and Instruction

Learning is fairly open-ended — kids learn mostly by building balanced biodomes and experimenting with environmental factors.

Customer Support

An intro provides some background information to get kids started, but clearer instructions and voice-over during gameplay could help.

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