Product Review of Mathemagics – Mental Math Trick

What Users Love About the App

“It’s addicting and at the same time teaches me both tricks and novel ways of thinking with math. I’m around numbers all the time at work and school, so the challenges and secrets of math this app reveals are priceless to me. Yes, I’m a huge fan and I play this on the train and before I go to sleep at night.”

“I love these clever math tricks. I knew a few of these, but the app has so many. I enjoy playing and practicing. I’d rather pass the time using this app than playing all the stupid game apps. Please continue to add more n keep up the excellent work.”

“I’m using it to brush up on my math before taking the GMAT. It’s great to dust off and practice the great things we can do with numbers. This is why I love math!”

“I’ve tried a lot of different math apps, but this one’s clean and simple mental math tricks work exceptionally fast!!”

“Well thought out and easy to use the app. Excellent resources to learn how to quickly solve apparently lengthy math problems. A must-have any preparing for GRE, GMAT, LSAT and other graduate school placement exams.”

What Users Dislike About the App

“My 3rd-grade daughter cannot practice because all the numbers are at an advanced level. She wanted to practice her 4’s but she got 4 Times 66. That’s pretty tough for a 3rd grader. Can you add something in the settings to simplify the practice?”

“The 10’s complement practice problems are wrong while the lessons are correct. This is a huge bummer because learning complements are essential for certain types of large addition/ subtraction.”

“Not sure why the lessons are unorganized (makes it difficult to find just subtraction lessons for example). It needs organization.”

“I’m studying for the MCAT and this app is trash. You don’t have dividing by fractions, scientific notation, and dividing by weird numbers like 4/3, 54/16…I want my money back.”

“The idea is good, but some of the techniques are harder than just doing it the “taught” way. For example, a lot of the techniques rely on squaring 2 numbers, which is a technique itself. In order to do this, however, you need to be able to (most of the time) add two 4 digit numbers together. This isn’t easy to do in your head (at least not in *my* head) which makes it less than useful.”

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