Product Review of Montessori Numbers

What Users Love About the App

“Exceeded my expectations! I bought these for my 3-year-old grandson, who is growing up in a trilingual culture. Amazing graphics. I have enjoyed playing these games so much. Easily used, clear instructions, inviting play & learn. Better than promised!”

“Hey, developers this game is very fun besides Writing Wizard. But the funny part is that sometimes when I drag my pictures, it goes up really fast XD And for that, I’m giving this a 5 star XD :D”

“This morning I introduced Montessori Numbers to my seven year old daughter, entering 2nd grade. She started on the beginning levels and proceeded on her own intuitively throughout the app.”

“My 7, 6, and 5 year old all use this app and love it. Although a bit of a breeze for my seven year old, it does help reinforce what she already knows, allowing her the confidence to move forward and even teach her younger siblings. I love that there is a variety of images for both boys and girls instead of just blocks.”

“Montessori Numbers – Math Activities for Kids is a great educational app. There are multiple levels and multiple activities, making it good for young preschoolers just beginning numbers and for older children helping to master elementary math. This is a good way to use manipulatives without the storage issues of having 1000 of the same item.”

What Users Dislike About the App

“The app uses a carnival-worth of sounds and flashing graphics. Even if you turn off most of the sound elements, you still have the flashing lights with cascades it stars and confetti each time you complete tracing a letter or spelling a word. There is _nothing_ in the style of these apps like the simplicity and self-correcting method of Montessori learning methods. These apps are over stimulating and will habituate your child to expecting flashing stars and applause every time they trace a letter. This is more a video game than a learning tool. I will never use these apps.”

“Leaves a lot to be desired. Can only perform one task and then have to exit to the main menu and re-enter activity. Very disappointing for the money. I was hoping to use this for my two-year-old who is just learning numbers but it definitely does not hold her interest nor encourage her to interact with the app.”

“Hangs regularly. No reward system and stacking game do not hold the children’s attention. A disappointment after the huge success of the crosswords.”

“I was expecting something great. Turned out to be pushing uninspiring wood blocks and stale-looking cupcakes. The 4-year-old played once and didn’t show much interest. Total waste.”

“This app claims to teach math, both addition, and subtraction. This is completely untrue. There is no part of this app that teaches math skills, counting only. I will be asking for a refund!”

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