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Following a report that indicated Apple would reduce spending and hiring in some teams for 2023, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo shared that these changes haven’t affected supply chain orders.
Apple is proceeding with caution going into 2023 by reducing hiring and spending within some teams, at least according to a report from Bloomberg. Sources familiar with the matter stated that the changes wouldn’t affect all teams, and that the company would charge ahead with an “aggressive product launch schedule.”
Industry analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has shared some of his own insights in relation to Bloomberg’s report. He states that his supply channels show no signs of changes in development plans for 2023.
The order visibility of equipment also remains unchanged for up to 24 months. This means that despite the report claiming reduced hiring and spending inside Apple, the company hasn’t altered any supply chain orders for existing products.
Though there were rumors Apple will slow hiring and spending next years, my latest channel check indicates that at least there are currently no changes to hardware product development plans for 2023, and the order visibility of equipment remains unchanged (up to 18-24 months).
— (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo) July 19, 2022
Kuo’s tweet doesn’t offer much more detail, but the extended timeline of 18 months to 24 months shows that Apple’s internal changes won’t reflect outward anytime soon. It isn’t clear what teams Apple’s hiring and spending cuts will affect, but earlier reports indicated that the “Apple Car” team has been dissolved.