Review: A Perfect Day – Movies Games and Tech

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A Perfect Day is a bittersweet title that delivers deja vu gameplay. This beautifully melancholy experience is slow-paced, interesting, and full of colourful characters. What’s more, it sticks to its genre tropes and is the perfect title to relax and unwind with. However, it is this laid-back approach that will only appeal to a niche audience. Accordingly, I don’t believe this will get the credit that it deserves.

This visual novel was developed and published by Perfect Day Studio. Moreover, this gentle-paced game has some fun tasks and mini-games to enjoy throughout. As such, it breaks up the mountains of text and the pressure to make the right decision.

Can you have a perfect day?
Will you have the perfect day?

A Perfect Day is repetition personified.

The phrase repetitive gameplay is usually frowned upon. This negative term highlights tedium and a lack of creative prowess. However, in this case, A Perfect Day utilises this idea exceptionally well. The gameplay loop focuses on 1 fateful day in the lives of a group of schoolchildren. Consequently, the plot is full of magic, immature mindsets, and a sense of bewilderment and unknown.

You play the part of an elementary school boy who lacks courage. His nerves restrict him from truly excelling, and only by pushing himself, will he truly be happy. It is the last day of 1999 and your class has been dismissed for their holidays early. However, only one thing is on the mind of the protagonist. He wishes to give a card to his favourite classmate, but he feels he cannot. Subsequently, he must learn to do what’s right to create the perfect and final day of the millennia.

A beautiful letter with cute imagery.
A beautiful message.

Plenty of secrets to the perfect day.

Though the thought of replaying one day repetitively should have filled me with dread, I loved the mini-games and the secrets that unfolded. Alongside this, the wonderful setting and interesting characters were captivating. Utilising classic genre tropes, you are free to drive the narrative however you choose. Accordingly, you could hang out with different friends or waste time in the park. Alternatively, you may wish to build cars or enjoy some retro gaming.

Whatever you pick, the story will plod on regardless. However, some restrictions force you down certain paths. It was fantastic as it ensured that you’d explore different relationships. Furthermore, it pushes you to other areas of the map that you may have otherwise ignored. I love this mechanic as other VNs are too open and choosing a story path can be confusing. Yet, A Perfect Day allows you to develop the protagonist whilst discovering secrets and hidden Easter Eggs of their surroundings.

A Perfect Day is amazing to look at.

The art style is incredible. The hand-drawn aesthetic combined with the unique character models didn’t disappoint. Alongside this, each varied location offers an interesting insight into unfamiliar Asian culture. Accordingly, the wonderful imagery and striking character models bring this slow-paced title to life.

A Perfect Day is a calming and relaxing endeavour. The blend of soft and slow-paced songs will not disappoint you. Furthermore, in typical VN style, the sound effects are occasionally overbearing and OTT. As such, some cringeworthy moments didn’t match the laidback elements.

Pick your car and win the race.
Will you win the race?

Simple controls.

Though there are some mini-games and events to be aware of, A Perfect Day is easy to play. The simple control system is mastered immediately and this allows you to focus on the action. However, though it was straightforward, I believe a mouse and keyboard would make this more enjoyable to play.

If you enjoy reading and you don’t mind reliving the same experience repeatedly, this has both replay value and longevity. What was particularly good was when minor changes had a big impact on the plot. Alternatively, maybe you enjoy uncovering secrets. Either way, this interesting story has it all.

A Perfect Day is a beautifully melancholy title.

This slow-paced and repetitive game shouldn’t have been a success. However, every element of it combines to create a beautifully melancholy experience. Furthermore, the interesting characters and stunning settings add depth to an interesting and captivating story. Accordingly, I loved it and I recommend that you buy it here! If you had the chance to change your past, would you do it? Explore your surroundings, make new friends, and create A Perfect Day.

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