Review: Inventory, Track and Protect Your Healthcare Environment


Secure Healthcare’s Complex Environment

Clinical Defender can be used to prioritize fixing vulnerabilities based on factors such as whether a device is used to sustain life or treat patients, the problem’s severity, its location and other factors. Once a fix is made, the platform will check to ensure that it worked, and that it never reverts back to a vulnerable state.

If inventory and vulnerability management was all that Ordr Clinical Defender 8.1 did, it would still be incredibly useful in healthcare, but it also does so much more. In fact, it can act as the cornerstone for all cybersecurity activities.

For example, one big problem in healthcare is that Internet of Medical Things devices are often designed with a single purpose, such as initiating a medical scan or monitoring a patient’s vitals, to the point that there is no overhead to add cybersecurity. This makes them extremely difficult to protect from clever attackers looking for a way into a hospital network. Clinical Defender can help by isolating the devices and building zero-trust policies around them, effectively bringing them into a zero-trust environment.

Trying to protect a healthcare environment using tools designed for other businesses adds extra work and complexity for already overworked IT staff. Instead, hospitals and other healthcare organizations should invest in a platform such as Ordr Clinical Defender 8.1, which is specifically designed for their needs and their unique ecosystem. 

LEARN MORE: How to mitigate risk for healthcare in an increasingly connected environment.


Product Type: Asset tracking, vulnerability management and protection platform
Continuous Defense: Monitors for attack tools within an environment, suspicious communications, lateral movement and beaconing behaviors to detect ongoing attacks
Deep Protection: Monitors all device communications, including those within subnets and virtual local area networks
Defense in Depth: Can segment network devices and immediately respond to possible attacks, limiting the effectiveness of anything that manages to slip through
Post-Attack Updates: Can automatically update policies and playbooks after an attack to prevent future incursions

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