Review: Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel board game

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Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel board game is suspenseful, enjoyable, and well-considered. This simple idea is based on the popular TV show and it captures the essence of the action perfectly. Moreover, it can be enjoyed with 2 or 3 people or a large group of friends. Either way, it’ll test your knowledge and your friendships as you must work together to get to the end game.

What makes this board game ideal is the variety of questions on offer. As such, gamers as young as 8 can give it a go. Additionally, the list of categories means that everyone can show off their specialist subject. On top of this, I adored the wheel tool as it added a layer of jeopardy to proceedings.

What’s in the box of Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel board game?

  • The packaging is compact, colourful, and great to look at. Furthermore, it is robust so it can take some mishandling.
  • Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel board game comprises 14 category questions, the plunger wheel, and a contestant spinner board.
  • Learn the fundamentals with the easy-to-follow rules.

How easy is it to play?

Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel board game relies on knowledge and a lot of luck if you wish to be victorious. As such, a game session can be over in a flash or it can last forever and a day. However, whichever one you experience, you’ll love every moment. You must split into 2 or 3 teams or work as 2 or 3 individual players. Once this is sorted out, you need to pick 7 categories from the 14 options. 

With the game set up, you must pick your opening category, plunge the wheel, and see where it lands. If the arrow hits a red area, you lose your turn and the game moves to the next team or player. Alternatively, if you land on a blue segment, you are asked a moderately hard question. However, if you land in the yellow area, you have the opportunity to answer an easy question.

If you get the answer right, you keep the card, select a new category and the action follows the same process. The winner is the team or person that answers all 7 categories correctly and then gets the end-game question correct. Accordingly, it is straightforward to understand and easy to master. Yet, with an element of luck and jeopardy, things can go wrong and this adds a delightful layer of spice to proceedings.

Is Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel board game worth it?

It mattered not if this was played with individuals or a large group of friends. Either way, I had a fantastic time that was competitive and amusing. Yet, there aren’t enough questions in each category to keep things fresh. Consequently, if you play this game enough, you’ll soon learn the answers and this removes a key gameplay element. Subsequently, Rascals would be wise to release a new set of questions to freshen things up.

This issue to one side, I loved the suspenseful nature of the action and how easy it was to play. Additionally, the wheel plunger system was fantastic and the suggestion to play the show music was a triumph. Accordingly, if you want a fun quiz board game to enjoy with your family this Christmas, I suggest you buy this one here!

(More information on Rascals can be found here!)

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